Jesús Català

A reconciliation with Darwin? Divergent views on evolutionism in Erich Wasmann and Jaime Pujiula, biologists and Jesuits

A diferencia del cas Galileu, l’esglesia Catolica ha gestionat amb discrecio el pensament evolucionista i les obres de Charles Darwin. Entre els cientifics catolics, hi trobem defensors d’un evolucionisme amanit amb remarcables excepcions relacionades amb l’origen divi de la vida i de l’especie humana. L’entomoleg i jesuita Erich Wasmann arriba a la conclusio que la teoria evolutiva podia donar explicacio a les seues observacions sobre els mirmecofils i adopta un evolucionisme catolicament matisat que Ernst Haeckel considerava fraudulent pero molt perillos. El bioleg i jesuita catala Jaume Pujiula segui l’obra de Wasmann tot i prenent posicions ideologiques mes radicals que la de l’entomole…

research product

Darwinism and the Origin of Life

Abstract Historically, ideas on the origins of life have been mingled with evolutionary explanations. Darwin avoided discussing the origin of the very first species in public although he acknowledged the possibility that life originated by natural causes. Some of his followers adopted this materialistic position and advocated some sort of spontaneous generation in the distant past. Nevertheless, Pasteur’s experiments were a major obstacle for scientific acceptance of the sudden emergence of life. The scientific study of the origin of life, established in the 1920s, required abandoning the idea of a unique chance event and considering a view of life emerging as the result of a long evolution…

research product