Tim Süß
Improving LSM‐trie performance by parallel search
Accelerating Application Migration in HPC
It is predicted that the number of cores per node will rapidly increase with the upcoming era of exascale supercomputers. As a result, multiple applications will have to share one node and compete for the (often scarce) resources available on this node. Furthermore, the growing number of hardware components causes a decrease in the mean time between failures. Application migration between nodes has been proposed as a tool to mitigate these two problems: Bottlenecks due to resource sharing can be addressed by load balancing schemes which migrate applications; and hardware errors can often be tolerated by the system if faulty nodes are detected and processes are migrated ahead of time.
Pure Functions in C: A Small Keyword for Automatic Parallelization
AbstractThe need for parallel task execution has been steadily growing in recent years since manufacturers mainly improve processor performance by increasing the number of installed cores instead of scaling the processor’s frequency. To make use of this potential, an essential technique to increase the parallelism of a program is to parallelize loops. Several automatic loop nest parallelizers have been developed in the past such as PluTo. The main restriction of these tools is that the loops must be statically analyzable which, among other things, disallows function calls within the loops. In this article, we present a seemingly simple extension to the C programming language which marks fun…
A configurable rule based classful token bucket filter network request scheduler for the lustre file system
HPC file systems today work in a best-effort manner where individual applications can flood the file system with requests, effectively leading to a denial of service for all other tasks. This paper presents a classful Token Bucket Filter (TBF) policy for the Lustre file system. The TBF enforces Remote Procedure Call (RPC) rate limitations based on (potentially complex) Quality of Service (QoS) rules. The QoS rules are enforced in Lustre's Object Storage Servers, where each request is assigned to an automatically created QoS class.The proposed QoS implementation for Lustre enables various features for each class including the support for high-priority and real-time requests even under heavy …
Asynchronous Occlusion Culling on Heterogeneous PC Clusters for Distributed 3D Scenes
We present a parallel rendering system for heterogeneous PC clusters to visualize massive models. One single, powerful visualization node is supported by a group of backend nodes with weak graphics performance. While the visualization node renders the visible objects, the backend nodes asynchronously perform visibility tests and supply the front end with visible scene objects. The visualization node stores only currently visible objects in its memory, while the scene is distributed among the backend nodes’ memory without redundancy. To efficiently compute the occlusion tests in spite of that each backend node stores only a fraction of the original geometry, we complete the scene by adding h…
Deriving and comparing deduplication techniques using a model-based classification
Data deduplication has been a hot research topic and a large number of systems have been developed. These systems are usually seen as an inherently linked set of characteristics. However, a detailed analysis shows independent concepts that can be used in other systems. In this work, we perform this analysis on the main representatives of deduplication systems. We embed the results in a model, which shows two yet unexplored combinations of characteristics. In addition, the model enables a comprehensive evaluation of the representatives and the two new systems. We perform this evaluation based on real world data sets.
Indexes are essential in data management systems to increase the speed of data retrievals. Widespread data structures to provide fast and memory-efficient indexes are prefix tries. Implementations like Judy, ART, or HOT optimize their internal alignments for cache and vector unit efficiency. While these measures usually improve the performance substantially, they can have a negative impact on memory efficiency. In this paper we present Hyperion, a trie-based main-memory key-value store achieving extreme space efficiency. In contrast to other data structures, Hyperion does not depend on CPU vector units, but scans the data structure linearly. Combined with a custom memory allocator, Hyperion…
Most high-performance computing (HPC) clusters use a global parallel file system to enable high data throughput. The parallel file system is typically centralized and its storage media are physically separated from the compute cluster. Compute nodes as clients of the parallel file system are often additionally equipped with SSDs. The node internal storage media are rarely well-integrated into the I/O and compute workflows. How to make full and flexible use of these storage media is therefore a valuable research question. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical Persistent Client Caching (LPCC) mechanism for the Lustre file system. LPCC provides two modes: RW-PCC builds a read-write cache on…
GekkoFS — A Temporary Burst Buffer File System for HPC Applications
Many scientific fields increasingly use high-performance computing (HPC) to process and analyze massive amounts of experimental data while storage systems in today’s HPC environments have to cope with new access patterns. These patterns include many metadata operations, small I/O requests, or randomized file I/O, while general-purpose parallel file systems have been optimized for sequential shared access to large files. Burst buffer file systems create a separate file system that applications can use to store temporary data. They aggregate node-local storage available within the compute nodes or use dedicated SSD clusters and offer a peak bandwidth higher than that of the backend parallel f…
Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores
We consider the problem of scheduling a number of jobs on m identical processors sharing a continuously divisible resource. Each job j comes with a resource requirement rj∈[0,1]. The job can be processed at full speed if granted its full resource requirement. If receiving only an x-portion of r_j, it is processed at an x-fraction of the full speed. Our goal is to find a resource assignment that minimizes the makespan (i.e., the latest completion time). Variants of such problems, relating the resource assignment of jobs to their processing speeds, have been studied under the term discrete-continuous scheduling. Known results are either very pessimistic or heuristic in nature. In this paper, …
Migration Techniques in HPC Environments
Process migration is an important feature in modern computing centers as it allows for a more efficient use and maintenance of hardware. Especially in virtualized infrastructures it is successfully exploited by schemes for load balancing and energy efficiency. One can divide the tools and techniques into three groups: Process-level migration, virtual machine migration, and container-based migration.