E Gianicolo
Was wollen uns die Hinterbliebenen sagen? - Freitext-Kommentare der Umfrage International Care of the Dying Evaluation (iCODE): ein methodengemischter Ansatz [317]
Versorgungsqualität im Krankenhaus in der Sterbephase von Krebskranken mit Migrationshintergrund [338]
Incidence and costs of hip fractures compared to acute myocardial infarction in the Italian population: a 4-year survey
Introduction Few data are available about the incidence and costs of hip fractures in Italy. We aimed to determine the impact of hip fractures vs. acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods We studied the national hospitalization database to calculate their incidence and costs in adults aged ≥45 between 1999 and 2002. Results In 2002, there were 86,719 hip fractures with a 10.0% increase over 4 years. We observed a predominance of women (77.1%) and a strong age effect: 92.7% of patients were ≥65 years old and 80% of fractures occurred in women aged ≥75, showing a clear relationship with the incidence of osteoporosis. Hospitalizations due to AMI after 45 years of age in 1999 were only 9% hig…