Guitang Lan
Semistable Higgs bundles, periodic Higgs bundles and representations of algebraic fundamental groups
Let $k $ be the algebraic closure of a finite field of odd characteristic $p$ and $X$ a smooth projective scheme over the Witt ring $W(k)$ which is geometrically connected in characteristic zero. We introduce the notion of Higgs-de Rham flow and prove that the category of periodic Higgs-de Rham flows over $X/W(k)$ is equivalent to the category of Fontaine modules, hence further equivalent to the category of crystalline representations of the \'{e}tale fundamental group $\pi_1(X_K)$ of the generic fiber of $X$, after Fontaine-Laffaille and Faltings. Moreover, we prove that every semistable Higgs bundle over the special fiber $X_k$ of $X$ of rank $\leq p$ initiates a semistable Higgs-de Rham …
Nonabelian Hodge theory in positive characteristic via exponential twisting
On Hodge theory for the generalized geometry (I)
Abstract We first investigate the linear Dirac structure from the viewpoint of a mixed Hodge structure. Then we discuss a Hodge-decomposition-type theorem for the generalized Kahler manifold and study the moduli space of a generalized weak Calabi–Yau manifold. We present a holomorphic anomaly equation and a one-loop partition function in a topological B-model under the generalized geometric context.