Felix Erben

Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS two-flavour ensembles

35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice 2017, Granada, Spain, 18 Jun 2017 - 24 Jun 2017; The European physical journal / Web of Conferences 175, 05027 (2018). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201817505027

research product

Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS 2-flavour ensembles

Results are presented from an ongoing study of the $\rho$ resonance. We use the distillation approach in order to create correlator matrices involving $\rho$ and $\pi\pi$ interpolators. The study is done in a centre-of-mass frame and several moving frames. We are able to extract energy levels by solving the GEVP of those correlator matrices. The initial exploratory study is being done on a CLS 2-flavour lattice with a pion mass of $451$ $\mathrm{MeV}$ using $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improved Wilson fermions. One aim of this work is to extract the timelike pion form factor after applying the L\"uscher formalism. We also plan to integrate this study with the existing Mainz programme for the calculatio…

research product

Rho resonance, timelike pion form factor, and implications for lattice studies of the hadronic vacuum polarization

We study isospin-1 P-wave ππ scattering in lattice QCD with two flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions. For pion masses ranging from mπ=265 MeV to mπ=437 MeV, we determine the energy spectrum in the center-of-mass frame and in three moving frames. We obtain the scattering phase shifts using Lüscher’s finite-volume quantization condition. Fitting the dependence of the phase shifts on the scattering momentum to a Breit-Wigner form allows us to determine the corresponding ρ mass mρ and gρππ coupling. By combining the scattering phase shifts with the decay matrix element of the vector current, we calculate the timelike pion form factor, Fπ, and compare the results to the Gounaris-Sakurai repr…

research product