Dragoş-victor Anghel


Quantization of the elastic modes in an isotropic plate

We quantize the elastic modes in a plate. For this, we find a complete, orthogonal set of eigenfunctions of the elastic equations and we normalize them. These are the phonon modes in the plate and their specific forms and dispersion relations are manifested in low temperature experiments in ultra-thin membranes.

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Dimensionality effects in restricted bosonic and fermionic systems

The phenomenon of Bose-like condensation, the continuous change of the dimensionality of the particle distribution as a consequence of freezing out of one or more degrees of freedom in the low particle density limit, is investigated theoretically in the case of closed systems of massive bosons and fermions, described by general single-particle hamiltonians. This phenomenon is similar for both types of particles and, for some energy spectra, exhibits features specific to multiple-step Bose-Einstein condensation, for instance the appearance of maxima in the specific heat. In the case of fermions, as the particle density increases, another phenomenon is also observed. For certain types of sing…

research product

Behavior of the phonon gas in restricted geometries at low temperatures

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Trapping of quasiparticles of a nonequilibrium superconductor

We have performed experiments where hot electrons are extracted from a normal metal into a superconductor through a tunnel junction. We have measured the cooling performance of such NIS junctions, especially in the cases where another normal metal electrode, a quasiparticle trap, is attached to the superconductor at different distances from the junction in direct metal-to-metal contact or through an oxide barrier. The direct contact at a submicron distance allows superior thermalization of the superconductor. We have analyzed theoretically the heat transport in this system. From both experiment and theory, it appears that NIS junctions can be used as refrigerators at low temperatures only w…

research product

Interaction of two-level systems in amorphous materials with arbitrary phonon fields

To describe the interaction of the two level systems (TLSs) of an amorphous solid with arbitrary strain fields, we introduce a generalization of the standard interaction Hamiltonian. In this new model, the interaction strength depends on the orientation of the TLS with respect to the strain field through a $6\times 6$ symmetric tensor of deformation potential parameters, $[R]$. Taking into account the isotropy of the amorphous solid, we deduce that $[R]$ has only two independent parameters. We show how these two parameters can be calculated from experimental data and we prove that for any amorphous bulk material the average coupling of TLSs with longitudinal phonons is always stronger than …

research product

Performance of cryogenic microbolometers and calorimeters with on-chip coolers

Astronomical observations of cosmic sources in the far-infrared and X-ray bands require extreme sensitivity. The most sensitive detectors are cryogenic bolometers and calorimeters operating typically at about 100 mK. The last stage of cooling (from 300 mK to 100 mK) often poses significant difficulties in space-borne experiments, both in system complexity and reliability. We address the possibility of using refrigeration based on normal metal/insulator/superconductor (NIS) tunnel junctions as the last stage cooler for cryogenic thermal detectors. We compare two possible schemes: the direct cooling of the electron gas of the detector with the aid of NIS tunnel junctions and the indirect cool…

research product

Properties of the Phonon Gas in Ultrathin Membranes at Low Temperature

We analyze heat conduction by phonons in ultrathin membranes by constructing a new theoreticalframework which implies a crossover from a bulk three-dimensional phonon distribution into a quasi-two-dimensional distribution when the temperature is lowered. We calculate the corresponding changesin the relevant thermodynamic quantities. At the end we make a comparison to experimental data.[S0031-9007(98)07273-1]

research product

Interaction of Lamb modes with two-level systems in amorphous nanoscopic membranes

Using a generalized model of interaction between a two-level system (TLS) and an arbitrary deformation of the material, we calculate the interaction of Lamb modes with TLSs in amorphous nanoscopic membranes. We compare the mean free paths of the Lamb modes with different symmetries and calculate the heat conductivity $\kappa$. In the limit of an infinitely wide membrane, the heat conductivity is divergent. Nevertheless, the finite size of the membrane imposes a lower cut-off for the phonons frequencies, which leads to the temperature dependence $\kappa\propto T(a+b\ln T)$. This temperature dependence is a hallmark of the TLS-limited heat conductance at low temperature.

research product

The tensor of interaction of a two-level system with an arbitrary strain field

The interaction between two-level systems (TLS) and strain fields in a solid is contained in the diagonal matrix element of the interaction hamiltonian, $\delta$, which, in general, has the expression $\delta=2[\gamma]:[S]$, with the tensor $[\gamma]$ describing the TLS ``deformability'' and $[S]$ being the symmetric strain tensor. We construct $[\gamma]$ on very general grounds, by associating to the TLS two objects: a direction, $\hat\bt$, and a forth rank tensor of coupling constants, $[[R]]$. Based on the method of construction and on the invariance of the expression of $\delta$ with respect to the symmetry transformation of the solid, we conclude that $[[R]]$ has the same structure as …

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Core-melted clusters

The possibility of the existence of a core-melted cluster is investigated. To this end, a pair potential is introduced, with the property that the solid state of the cluster is less dense than the liquid state. With this kind of potential, the cluster exhibits a quite unusual behavior. In addition to the known states, solid, liquid, and surface-melted, it can also be found in a “dense-liquid” phase (a disordered state appearing at low temperatures), a “core-melted” phase, and a “core-surface-melted” phase. In the core-melted phase, the external part of the cluster consists of atoms that are vibrating around regular crystalline sites, while the core atoms have much bigger mobility, sometimes…

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