J. Kugler
Origin of impulse initiation in the slowly adapting stretch receptor of the crayfish
Characteristic for the crayfish stretch receptor is a gradual decrease in axon diameter up to a stretch of axon about 350 μm away from the soma-axon border. In response to depolarizing currents applied at different positions along the axon this stretch of axon can be localized as the most excitable membrane region. When depolarizing current steps of 10–25 nA intensity are injected into the soma the first impulse is always triggered in the soma (due to sudden rise in the membrane potential) while the second impulse originates at the axon region of highest escitability. As the intensity of the stimulus is increased the site of impulse initiation along the axon shifts nearer to the receptor so…
Neutron Scattering of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Through the use of deuterium labeling, small angle neutron scattering (SANS) has been found to be an extremely effective tool for elucidating the structure of polymer molecules in the condensed matter state. In this study, the molecular morphology of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) has been determined under four different conditions: (1) in the glassy state, (2) in the semicrystalline state, (3) after cold-drawing, and (4) after undergoing partial transesterification.