H. Garcilazo
Screened potential and the baryon spectrum
We show that in a quark model scheme the use of a screened potential, suggested by lattice QCD, instead of an infinitely rising one with the interquark distance, provides a more adequate description of the high-energy baryon spectrum. In particular an almost perfect parallelism between the predicted and observed number of states comes out throwing new light about the so-called missing resonance problem.
Neutral baryonic systems with strangeness
We review the status as regards the existence of three- and four-body bound states made of neutrons and $\Lambda$ hyperons. For interesting cases, the coupling to neutral baryonic systems made of charged particles of different strangeness has been addressed. There are strong arguments showing that the $\Lambda nn$ system has no bound states. $\Lambda\Lambda nn$ strong stable states are not favored by our current knowledge of the strangeness $-1$ and $-2$ baryon-baryon interactions. However, a possible $\Xi^- t$ quasibound state decaying to $\Lambda\Lambda nn$ might exist in nature. Similarly, there is a broad agreement about the nonexistence of $\Lambda\Lambda n$ bound states. However, the …
Recent lattice QCD calculations suggest a rather abrupt transition in the confinig potential from a linear to a constant behavior. We analyze the effects of such a fast deconfinement in the simplest non-relativistic system, bottomonium.
Heavy Meson Description with a Screened Potential
We perform a quark model calculation of the $b\bar{b}$ and $c\bar{c}$ spectra from a screened funnel potential form suggested by unquenched lattice calculations. A connection between the lattice screening parameter and an effective gluon mass directly derived from QCD is established. Spin-spin energy splittings, leptonic widths and radiative decays are also examined providing a test for the description of the states.
Towards an understanding of heavy baryon spectroscopy
The recent observation at CDF and D0 of $\Sigma_b$, $\Sigma^*_b$ and $\Xi_b$ baryons opens the door to the advent of new states in the bottom baryon sector. The states measured provide sufficient constraints to fix the parameters of phenomenological models. One may therefore consistently predict the full bottom baryon spectra. For this purpose we have solved exactly the three-quark problem by means of the Faddeev method in momentum space. We consider our guidance may help experimentalists in the search for new bottom baryons and their findings will help in constraining further the phenomenological models. We identify particular states whose masses may allow to discriminate between the dynam…
We present recent results of hadron spectroscopy and hadron hadron interaction from the perspective of constituent quark models. We pay special attention to the role played by higher-order hock space components in the hadron spectra and the connection of this extension with the hadron-hadron interaction. The main goal of our description is to obtain a coherent understanding of the low-energy hadron phenomenology without enforcing any particular model, to constrain its characteristics and learn about the low-energy realization of the theory.
Spectral patterns in the nonstrange baryon spectrum
We extract, from a quark model potential that reproduces the number and ordering of nonstrange baryonic resonances up to 2.3 GeV, the quantum numbers for the dominant configurations in the ground and first non-radial excited states. From the pattern of quantum numbers we identify, from data, spectral regularities that allow us to predict the expected high spin low-lying spectrum from 2.3 to 3.0 GeV. $N-\Delta$ degeneracies and $N$ parity doublets showing up can be interpreted in terms of a simple dynamics.
ΛNNandΣNNsystems at threshold
We calculate the hypertriton binding energy and the $\ensuremath{\Lambda}d$ and $\ensuremath{\Sigma}d$ scattering lengths using baryon-baryon interactions obtained from a chiral constituent quark model. We study consistently the $\ensuremath{\Lambda}\mathit{NN}$ and $\ensuremath{\Sigma}\mathit{NN}$ systems by analyzing the effect of the $\ensuremath{\Sigma}\ensuremath{\leftrightarrow}\ensuremath{\Lambda}$ conversion. Our interactions correctly predict the hypertriton binding energy. The $(I,J)=(0,3/2)$ $\ensuremath{\Lambda}\mathit{NN}$ channel is also attractive and it might have a bound state. From the condition of nonexistence of a (0,3/2) $\ensuremath{\Lambda}\mathit{NN}$ bound state, an…
Quark-model hadron structure
We review some selected recent results on hadron spectroscopy and related theoretical studies based on constituent quark models.
Nonlocal calculation for nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons
We study the possible existence of nonstrange dibaryons and tribaryons by solving the bound-state problem of the two- and three-body systems composed of nucleons and deltas. The two-body systems are $NN$, $N\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta$, while the three-body systems are $NNN$, $NN\Delta$, $N\Delta\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta\Delta$. We use as input the nonlocal $NN$, $N\Delta$, and $\Delta\Delta$ potentials derived from the chiral quark cluster model by means of the resonating group method. We compare with previous results obtained from the local version based on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Faddeev study of heavy baryon spectroscopy
16 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 12.39.Jh, 12.39.Pn, 14.20.-c.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000246249100015.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0703257
Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons
We study the mass spectrum of baryons with two and three charmed quarks. For double charm baryons the spin splitting is found to be smaller than standard quark-model potential predictions. This splitting is not influenced either by the particular form of the confining potential or by the regularization taken for the contact term of the spin-spin potential. We consistently predict the spectra for triply charmed baryons.
Quark-model study of few-baryon systems
We review the application of non-relativistic constituent quark models to study one, two and three non-strange baryon systems. We present results for the baryon spectra, potentials and observables of the NN, N$\Delta$, $\Delta\Delta$ and NN$^*(1440)$ systems, and also for the binding energies of three non-strange baryon systems. We make emphasis on observable effects related to quark antisymmetry and its interplay with quark dynamics.