Vicente Navarro
Long-term prognostic value of a comprehensive assessment of cardiac magnetic resonance indexes after an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
Abstract Introduction and objectives A variety of cardiac magnetic resonance indexes predict mid-term prognosis in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. The extent of transmural necrosis permits simple and accurate prediction of systolic recovery. However, its long-term prognostic value beyond a comprehensive clinical and cardiac magnetic resonance evaluation is unknown. We hypothesized that a simple semiquantitative assessment of the extent of transmural necrosis is the best resonance index to predict long-term outcome soon after a first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Methods One week after a first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction we carried out a comp…
Requirement and postoperative outcomes of abdominal panniculectomy alone or in combination with other procedures in a bariatric surgery unit.
Abstract Background A high percentage of patients present with redundant skin folds after bariatric surgery. This study aims to quantify the need for panniculectomy after open bariatric surgery and to analyze the postoperative outcomes. Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group DLP, patients who underwent an abdominal panniculectomy alone and group DLP+, those who underwent panniculectomy in association with another surgical procedure. Results Four hundred forty-six patients underwent open bariatric surgery and 130 patients (29%) subsequently required an abdominal dermolipectomy. Seventy-six percent presented also incisional hernia an…
Valor pronóstico a largo plazo del análisis completo de los índices de resonancia magnética cardiaca tras un infarto de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Se ha demostrado el valor pronostico de varios indices de resonancia magnetica cardiaca a medio plazo tras un infarto agudo de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST. La extension de la necrosis transmural permite una prediccion simple y exacta de viabilidad miocardica. Sin embargo, se desconoce su valor pronostico a largo plazo mas alla de una completa evaluacion clinica y por resonancia. Nuestra hipotesis es que la evaluacion semicuantitativa de la extension de la necrosis transmural es el mejor indice de resonancia para predecir el pronostico a largo plazo tras un infarto con elevacion del segmento ST. Metodos Se realizo un estudio cuantitativo con reson…
Expansion of the CRF19_cpx Variant in Spain
Abstract Background HIV-1 CRF19_cpx, is a recombinant variant found almost exclusively in Cuba and recently associated to a faster AIDS onset. Infection with this variant leads to higher viral loads and levels of RANTES and CXCR4 co-receptor use. Objectives The goal of this study was to assess the presence of CRF19_cpx in the Spanish province of Valencia, given its high pathogenicity. Study design 1294 HIV-1 protease-reverse transcriptase (PR/RT) sequences were obtained in Valencia (Spain), between 2005 and 2014. After subtyping, the detected CRF19_cpx sequences were aligned with 201 CRF19_cpx and 66 subtype D sequences retrieved from LANL, and subjected to maximum-likelihood phylogenetic a…