R. Vaccaro
Bartlett formalism generating functions and Z-transforms in fluctuation and noise theory
Abstract “La theorie des fonctions generatrices s'adapte elle meme et avec la plus grande generalite aux questions des probabilite les plus difficiles.” (Laplace, 1812) “An important part of probability theory consists of the derivation of the probability distribution of the sum of n random variables, each of which obeys a given probability law, and the development of asymptotic forms of these distributions valid for increasing n. Probability generating functions owe their dominant position to the simplification they permit to both problems. Their employment to obtain the successive moments of a probability distribution and to solve the difference equations of probability theory is ancillar…
La Carta dei Suoli irrigui della dominazione araba (827 – 1072 D.C. ) in agro di Castello Di Baida (Castellammare Del Golfo - TP).
Statistical physics: Some basic principles of fluctuation and noise theory
Abstract Models have traditionally played a significant role in statistical mechanics. In view of the complexity of the system which statistical mechanics attempt to describe, this is not at all surprising. The study of simplified models has frequently revealed the underlying mathematical structure of many physical questions and in so doing the study of models has contributed directly to a clarification of several paradoxes which beset statistical mechanics. In this paper some of the models which appear to be useful for the discussion of non-equilibrium phenomena are examined in some detail. As usual these models are extremely simplified versions of the actual situations. It is, finally, as…