Francesco Sommatino
Does Exist A Correlation Between BMI and Gleason Patterns 4 and 5 At Prostate Biopsy?
Background: Obesity has been related with higher Gleason grade and worse prognosis. Increasing proportion of Gleason pattern 4 or 5 is a critical factor for biochemical recurrence, progression and mortality. The endocrine activity of visceral fat could be responsible of the differentation of the prostatic malignant cell towards a more aggressive fenotype. The aim of our study was to correlate Body Mass Index with the presence of Gleason pattern 4 or higher at biopsy. Materials and Methods: Consecutive patients with positive prostate biopsy were included. A transrectal prostate biopsy procedure with 12 cores, was performed. All tissue samples were reviewed. Results: Out of 135 patients diagn…
The genitourinary diseases health-care among patients and general practitioner
Introduction: A general awareness of the most common genitourinary diseases is often lacking.The aim of the present study was to investigate the attention of the general practitioner and of the patient to the genitourinary diseases. An incomplete medical history and/or an inadequate physical examination might be responsible of late diagnosis and improper management. Patients and Methods: A self administered questionnaire was obtained by our outpatients before the urological visit. As a preliminary step we administered a very simple questionnaire consisting of four multiple choice questions: 1) Did your general practitioner examine your external genitalia in the last five years? Did you ask …
Monoprosthesis for simultaneous correction of stress urinary incontinence and cystocele: a 3-year follow-up.
BACKGROUND Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and cystocele can occur simultaneously because they have identical predisposing factors. This procedure reinforces pubourethral ligaments and the vesicovaginal fascia, solving SUI and Cystocele. METHODS 57 patients with grade III or higher cystocele were enrolled in this trial; SUI was present in 20% of patients (mean age: 57 years). NAZCA TC was used as monoprosthesis. Prolapse was evaluated using the POP-Q System, sexuality using the FSFI questionnaire, and LUTS using the OAB-SF questionnaire. RESULTS After surgery, there were positive changes, sustained during the follow-up: SUI was cured in 80% patients; there was only one patient with de nov…
Ureteral stent encrustation: evaluation of available scores as predictors of a complex surgery
Background: Stent Encrustation is an uncommon event (13%) with a significant impact in patients' management. Aim of our study was to evaluate the available grading systems for encrusted stents. Methods: A retrospective analysis of encrusted stents was performed in four Italian centers between 2006 and 2020. Encrusted stents were classified according to four classifications: the Forgotten Encrusted Calcificated (FECal) score, the Kidney Ureter Bladder (KUB) score, the Visual Grading for Ureteral Encrusted Stent Classification and the Encrustation Burden Score (EBS). Classifications were evaluated to predict complex surgery defined as: long operative time (>60min); need of more than one su…
Correlation between BMI and the pathological features of prostate cancer at biopsy
Introduction/Aim: Numerous clinical trials investigated the association between obesity and prostate cancer, but they yielded inconsistent results (1). Obesity has been found to be related to prostatic tumors at more advanced stages and higher Gleason grade when compared with normal population (2). An increased number of biopsy cores has been advocated by some Authors in obese and overweight men due to an increased difficulty and delay in cancer detection (3). The main aim of our research was to correlate Body Mass Index (BMI) with the pathological characteristics of prostate cancer at biopsy. Patients and Methods: Patients with positive prostate biopsy performed for palpable prostate nodul…
Objective: The therapeutic strategy for patients affected by intermediate risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) recurring after intravesical therapy is not definitively established. Only few studies have been published on secondline intravesical therapy. BCG is advocated when intravesical chemotherapy fails and is often repeated. On the other hand, some patients that suffer recurrence repeat intravesical chemotherapy. A retrospective analysis of 179 intermediaterisk patients submitted to second-line intravesical therapy is reported. Patients and Methods: The clinical files of patients affected by intermediate risk NMI-BC and submitted to second-line adjuvant intravesical therapy w…
Genitourinary Symptoms—Patient Help-Seeking and General Practitioner Management: An Outpatient Based Survey at a Tertiary Hospital in Southern Italy
Abstract Introduction General knowledge of most common genitourinary diseases is often lacking. In this survey we evaluated the attention given by patients and general practitioners to genitourinary symptoms, and particularly to hematuria and potential early signs of genitourinary cancer. Methods A structured self-administered questionnaire was administered to outpatients before the urological consultation. The questionnaire consisted of 4 multiple choice questions to record the level of patient awareness of urological symptoms, the importance given to gross hematuria, the interval between the onset and the visit, the regularity of physical examination and the first-level investigations ind…
Intravesical chemotherapy for intermediate risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer recurring after a first cycle of intravesical adjuvant therapy
Context: The therapeutic strategy in intermediate risk (IR) non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) recurring after intravesical therapy (IT) is not well defined. Most patients are usually retreated by Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of intravesical chemotherapy (ICH) given at recurrence after the first cycle of ICH in IR-NMIBC recurring 6 months or later. Settings and Design: Retrospective analysis of the efficacy of ICH given after previous IT. Materials and Methods: The clinical files of IR-NMIBC patients recurring later than 6 months after transurethral resection (TUR) and IT and retreated by IT were reviewed. The patients should be at intermediate risk…