Jean Lapeyrie
Revision of Permo-Carboniferous griffenflies (Insecta: Odonatoptera: Meganisoptera) based upon new species and redescription of selected poorly known taxa from Eurasia.
33 pages; International audience
Saxonagrion minutus nov. gen. et sp., the oldest damselfly from the Upper Permian of France (Odonatoptera, Panodonata, Saxonagrionidae nov. fam.)
Abstract Saxonagrion minutus nov. gen. et sp. was found in the Saxonian (Salagou Formation) of the Lodeve basin. It is the oldest and the first record of the modern infra-order Panodonata in the Palaezoic (Upper Permian of France). The present discovery supports the hypothesis concerning the persistance of many groups of Odonatoptera through the Permo-Triassic boundary.
Découverte d'Arthropodes et de bivalves inédits dans le Permien continental (Lodévois, France)
Resume Des Triopsides, Conchostraces, Insectes, Bivalves, pistes et terriers d'Arthropodes sont decouverts dans le Groupe saxonien considere longtemps comme quasi azoique. Ces fossiles sont pour la plupart inedits, au niveau de l'espece, de la famille et de l'ordre. Chez les Insectes, de nouveaux taxons comblent des lacunes temporelles considerables, allant du Jurassique au Permien. Les informations recueillies vont permettre de rediscuter certaines phylogenies et de reapprecier l'impact de la crise fini-permienne sur cette classe. La repartition des Insectes et des Conchostraces suggere de donner un âge Koungourien a Tatarien (Leonardien a Capitanien) au ≪ Saxonien ≫.
Biocénoses à triopsidés(Crustacea, Branchiopoda) du Permien du bassin de Lodève (France)
Resume Nous decrivons les triopsides (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) qui abondent dans les facies “saxoniens” de la Formation du Salagou du bassin de Lodeve date “Thuringien” ou “Saxonien” selon les auteurs. A partir de milliers de debris de carapaces, d'axes thoraco-abdominaux et plus rarement a partir d'animaux entiers, nous avons identifie et decrit deux especes nouvelles: Triops cancriformis permiensis nov. ssp. et Lepidurus occitaniacus nov. sp., morphologiquement proches d' especes actuelles. En se basant sur les preferences ecologiques des triopsides actuels et les caracteristiques sedimentologiques de leur milieu de vie au Permien, nous avons confirme l'existence d'etendues d'eau, peu pro…
Notostraca trackways in Permian playa environments of the Lodève basin (France).
36 pages; International audience; For nearly 20 years, Dr. Lapeyrie, surgeon at Lodève, has gathered many fossils coming from the Salagou Formation of the Lodève Permian basin. They are Insects, Notostraca, plants and ichnofossils. Among the latter, appears a multitude of Arthropoda trackways, finely preserved, which were collected in the top of sequences deposited in a playa environment. The locomotion experiments undertaken with extant animals suggested allocation of the majority of these trackways to Notostraca which are also known by several hundreds of remains (carapace, appendages, body whole). From these different parts, it was described as Triops cancriformis permiensis and Lepiduru…
New Martynoviidae from the Permian of Southern France (Lodève basin) (Insecta: Palaeoptera: Diaphanopterodea)
Discovery of the genus Iasvia Zalessky, 1934 in the Upper Permian of France (Lodève basin) (Orthoptera, Ensifera, Oedischiidae)
Abstract New material attributed to the species Iasvia reticulata ZALESSKY, 1934 and to a new species in this genus is described from the Salagou Formation (Saxonian Group, Lodeve basin). Preamble to the taxonomic section, the wing venation pattern of Orthoptera is discussed. The numerous described specimens yield decisive information about variability of wing venation within the genus, previously based on a single specimen from the Russian Permian. I. reticulata is the first species from the Lodeve basin that is already known from another site. The biostratigraphic implications are discussed.
Surijoka Lutevensis nov. sp.: The first glosselytrodea (insecta) from the upper permian of France (Lodève basin)
Abstract Surijoka lutevensis nov. sp. is described from the upper part of the Salagou Formation (Saxonian Group, Lodeve basin). This new taxon is described after a complete forewing of a Glosselytrodea: Jurinidae. This is the first record of this order in the french Permian. Surijoka lutevensis nov. sp. is very close to the type species Surijoka grandicella Martynova , 1958 from the Kazanian of the Kuznetsk Basin, Russia. We discuss on the wing veins homology, and propose a subsequent new wing vein nomenclature and new hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationships of the Glosselytrodea. The family Permoberothidae is excluded from this order and transferred into the Mecopterida, close to the …
The first recorded protozygopteran insects from the Upper Permian of France
. The earliest known Odonatoptera: Protozygoptera from the Upper Permian of Lodeve (France) are described. Epilestes gallica sp. nov. belongs to the Permolestidae and Lodevia longialata gen. et sp. nov. to the Permepallagidae. Both of these families were previously known from the Kazanian of Russia, suggesting a similar age for the formation of Lodeve.
Abstract The paraphyletic group Grylloblattida, formerly included in the Protorthoptera sensu lato, is of great importance for the phylogeny of some ‘polyneopterous’ orders, because it is currently assumed to contain the sister groups of modern Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Grylloblattodea. We present new discoveries and new observations and interpretations concerning this crucial assemblage. Lodevopterum angustus new genus and species and Depressopterum minutus new species are described from the Upper Permian of the Lodeve Basin (Herault, France). The ‘Grylloblattida’ from Commentry (Allier, France; Upper Carboniferous) are revised: the family Protoblattinidae Meunier, 1909a is restored afte…
A new species of Tococladidae CARPENTER, 1966 from the Permian of France (Insecta: Archaeorthoptera)
Abstract A new forewing venation pattern of the Tococladidae is proposed and the phylogenetic affinities of this family are discussed, based on Tococladus garrici nov. sp. This fossil comes from the Salagou Formation (Permian, Saxonian Group, Lodeve basin, France). The Tococladidae is assigned to the Archaeorthoptera BETHOUX and NEL, 2002 . The biostratigraphic implications of this discovery are briefly discussed, but it is still not possible to infer any definite conclusion about the age of this formation.