Agnieszka Tluczak


Wpływ koncepcji logistyki na rozwój krótkich łańcuchów dostaw w sektorze rolno- spożywczym

Przedsiębiorstwa stale poszukują sposobów tworzenia przewagi konkurencyjnej. W procesie budowania tej przewagi ważną rolę pełni koncepcja logistyki. Ewolucja tej koncepcji wskazuje na coraz częstsze orientowanie się przedsiębiorstw na rozwój łańcuchów dostaw, w których procesy logistyczne mają kluczowe znaczenie. Jednym z rodzajów łańcuchów dostaw, które zasługują na szczególną uwagę, są krótkie łańcuchy dostaw, odgrywające istotną rolę w sektorze rolno-spożywczym. To właśnie w tym sektorze szybkie dotarcie produktu do ostatecznego klienta dzięki krótkiemu łańcuchowi jest często kwestią najważniejszą. Z jednej strony bowiem zapewnia zaspokojenie potrzeb i oczekiwań klientów w odniesieniu do…

research product

The impact of space development structure on the level of ecological footprint - Shift share analysis for European Union countries

The impact of the space development structure on the level of the ecological footprint is an important element of the sustainable development policy, determining not only its directions, but also indicating the manner of respecting en- vironmental principles. The aim of the research is to assess the impact of the spatial development structure on the eco- logical footprint level. The considerations are based on the assumption that the spatial development structure is a determinant of the ecological footprint level. The study used the shift share analysis method. Selected European coun- tries were the subject of the research. The research period covered the years 2009–2019. The spatial differ…

research product

Application of the fuzzy TOPSIS method in management of food supply chain

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Konkurencyjność przestrzenna rolnictwa w krajach Unii Europejskiej

The aim of this study is to present the competitiveness of agriculture in the EU countries. The results are based on the Esteban-Marquillas competitiveness model, which allows the diagnosis of a region's production potential. In particular, this analysis allows identification of specialized regions and the nature of structural changes in the examined phenomenon. The study was conducted on the basis of data on the volume of agricultural crop and animal production and their subspecies. All data was taken from the databases of the Central Statistical Office. The study covers the years 2004-2014. / Synopsis. Celem opracowania jest zbadanie relacji miedzy poziomem konkurencyjności rolnictwa w po…

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Równowaga długookresowa pomiędzy cenami w łańcuchu dostaw na rynku mleka

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Determinanty wyboru środka komunikacji miejskiej na przykładzie Opola

Jednym z podstawowych zagadnień logistyki miejskiej jest problem przemieszczania się strumieni ludzi. Komunikacja miejska powinna się odbywać wedle zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju, a to wymaga podejmowania kroków podnoszenia konkurencyjności alternatywnych środków transportu. Poznanie czynników, które decydują o wyborze środka transportu, jest ważnym elementem podczas projektowania procesów przewozowych w mieście. Celem artykułu jest próba przestawienia determinant mających największy wpływ na wybór środka transportu.

research product

Dynamic Capabilities Revisited: Lessons from Logistics

Purpose: The identification of the premises concerning shaping and developing logistics capabilities towards firm dynamic capabilities. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article uses an analytical approach based on the results of previous studies. Findings: Logistics capabilities can be perceived and implemented as the strategic capabilities of a firm. As a result, logistics capabilities may aspire to become the dynamic capabilities of a firm. Practical Implications: Logistics capabilities aspiring to become the dynamic capabilities of a firm play an important role in achieving the firm success as well as the firm competitive advantage. Originality/Value: The article presents the significant…

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Selected methods of location logistic distribution centers in food supply chains

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Allocation of logistic risk-investment in public-private-partnership – use of fuzzy TOPSIS method

Appropriate risk assessment related to the project, and then its distribution between partners is the core of cooperation in the framework of public-private partnership (PPP). Risk analysis for investment project in the PPP formula includes: preliminary identification of risks associated with the investment, preliminary assessment and forecast of probability of occurrence of risks in the recommended option of investment implementation, initial analysis of the distribution of risks between a public and private entity depending on the legal and organizational model adopted, including the determination of the appropriate separation between the parties to the contract. The article presents the …

research product

Potential and competitiveness of EU countries in terms of slaughter livestock production

: Models and methods of spatial econometrics are gaining more and more popularity. Their advantage is the opportunity to examine the interrelationships between individual territorial units. These methods, apart from the own potential of the region, take into account the impact of neighbouring objects and location in space. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the potential and the level of competitiveness of individual European Union countries in the field of slaughter cattle production. In addition, the paper attempts to determine the specialisation of individual EU countries in the production of slaughter animals by sector. The analysis covered the years 2010–2016, …

research product

The Impact of CSR/ESG Reporting on the Cost of Capital: An Example of US Healthcare Entities

PURPOSE: Identifying the direction and strength of the relationship between individual elements of ESG and ESG as a whole and the cost of capital (weighted average, equity, and debt) in the healthcare industry.

research product

Specjalizacja i konkurencyjność krajów UE w zakresie produkcji zbóż

This paper presents the results of research on the specialization and competitiveness of crop production in European Union countries. The Esteban-Marquillas method of competitiveness changes was used for the research. This method indicates specialized countries and the nature of structural changes in the scope of crop production. The research was carried out on the basis of data on the size of crop production. All data was taken from the databases of the Central Statistical Office. The research covers the years 2005-2016. The obtained results distinguish (inseparable) groups of countries specializing in the production of particular cereal species. The following countries specialize in the p…

research product

Diversity of the selected elements of agricultural potential in the European Union countries

Agricultural importance in determining the directions of respective regions results from its production potential. The agricultural potential of a given country is determined by natural resources, ways of using them, natural conditions, workforce resources, technical resources and basic economic conditions. In this paper, only income and rural population are taken under consideration to describe the agricultural potential. Currently, European Union countries are functioning under the assumptions of the Common Agricultural Policy, assuming, among other things, increasing agricultural productivity, ensuring an adequate standard of living for the rural population and stabilising markets. The E…

research product


The food supply chain is characterized by a large diversity of entities comprising it, combining actions taken by individual links, starting with the producer on the consumer. The primary goal of the smooth functioning of the food supply chain is to ensure satisfaction of buyers, while profiting by companies participating in the flow of products. The primary aim of the efficient functioning of the food supply chain is to ensure satisfaction of buyers, while profiting by companies participating in the flow of products. Changes occurring in agricultural production, often cyclical, are transferred to individual links in the supply chain. This phenomenon is visible in changes in the level of pr…

research product

Convergence of prices on the pig market in selected European Union countries. Case study

Due to its specificity, animal production depends to a lesser extent than plant production on agrometeorological conditions. Interdependence between the prices of animal products and climatic conditions manifests itself primarily through the fodder markets, which determine the profitability of animal breeding and keeping. The process of economic integration should contribute to a decline in price differentiation between European Union (EU) countries. In the case of the pig market, however, it is necessary to bear in mind the pig cycle, which particularly affects the supply of livestock and their prices. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) currently implemented is not adapted to the turbule…

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