Miia Suuriniemi
Growth patterns at distal radius and tibial shaft in pubertal girls: a 2-year longitudinal study.
Bone changes, in terms of both size and BMD, were assessed longitudinally in pubertal girls. Before puberty, BMD at the distal radius declined, whereas bone size increased, suggesting that normal growing girls experience a transient period of increased bone fragility. This could explain the elevated low-trauma forearm fracture rates reported in earlier studies. Introduction: Longitudinal data on bone growth during puberty are sparse. Such information is needed to understand the sequence of biological changes, the physical and mechanical consequences for the growing skeleton, and the implications for later life. Materials and Methods: The geometric properties and volumetric BMD (vBMD) of the…
Estrogen receptor alpha polymorphism modifies the association between childhood exercise and bone mass: follow-up study.
This follow-up study confirms our previous findings that the ER-α PvuII polymorphism (Pp) modulates the association between exercise and bone mass. The differences in bone properties of girls with consistently low physical activity (LLPA) and consistently high physical activity (HHPA) were evident only in those bearing the heterozygote ER-α genotype (Pp). In particular, areal bone mineral density of the total femur, bone mineral content and areal bone mineral density of the femoral neck, and bone mineral content and cortical thickness of the tibia shaft were significantly (p < .05) lower in the Pp girls with LLPA than in their HHPA counterparts. These findings might partly explain the ge…
COL1A1 Sp1 polymorphism associates with bone density in early puberty.
Optimal acquisition of bone mass in puberty is a key determinant of the lifetime risk of osteoporosis and has a strong genetic basis. We investigated the relationship between the COL1A1 Sp1 polymorphism and BMD in early puberty, and how the genotypes relate to bone size and geometry as well as bone turnover and material properties in 247 10- to 13-year-old girls. Bone properties were measured using DXA, pQCT, and ultrasound. Also, serum P1NP, OC, B-ALP, and TRACP 5b were assessed. Our results showed that girls with the TT genotype had significantly lower BMC and BMD of the total body, lumbar spine, and proximal femur, as well as BUA at the calcaneus, than those with the GT and GG genotype. …
Effects of calcium, dairy product, and vitamin D supplementation on bone mass accrual and body composition in 10-12-y-old girls: a 2-y randomized trial
Little is known about the relative effectiveness of calcium supplementation from food or pills with or without vitamin D supplementation for bone mass accrual during the rapid growth period.The purpose was to examine the effects of both food-based and pill supplements of calcium and vitamin D on bone mass and body composition in girls aged 10-12 y.This placebo-controlled intervention trial randomly assigned 195 healthy girls at Tanner stage I-II, aged 10-12 y, with dietary calcium intakes900 mg/d to 1 of 4 groups: calcium (1000 mg) + vitamin D3 (200 IU), calcium (1000 mg), cheese (1000 mg calcium), and placebo. Primary outcomes were bone indexes of the hip, spine, and whole body by dual-ene…
Relationship of sex hormones to bone geometric properties and mineral density in early pubertal girls.
This study aimed to evaluate the associations among serum 17beta-estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), bone geometric properties, and mineral density in 248 healthy girls between the ages of 10 and 13 yr old. The left tibial shaft was measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (Stratec XCT-2000; Stratec Medizintechnik, GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany). The cortical bone and marrow cavity areas were expressed as proportions of the total tibial cross-sectional area (CSA). Cortical thickness and total volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) were also determined. These tibial geometric and densitometric measures were correlated against the serum sex hormone…
The COMT val158met Polymorphism Is Associated with Early Pubertal Development, Height and Cortical Bone Mass in Girls
Estrogens are involved in accretion of bone mass during puberty. Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) is involved in the degradation of estrogens. In this cross-sectional study we investigated associations between the COMT val158met polymorphism, which results in a 60-75% difference in enzyme activity between the val (high activity = H) and the met (low activity = L) variant, and skeletal phenotypes in 246 healthy pre/early pubertal girls. Girls with COMT(LL) were 5.4 cm taller than COMT(HH) girls. Dual x-ray absorptiometry showed higher values of bone mineral content (BMC), and larger areas of total body, femur and spine in COMT(LL). Cortical BMC, measured by peripheral quantitative compute…
Association Between Exercise and Pubertal BMD Is Modulated by Estrogen Receptor α Genotype
Genetic and environmental factors contribute to bone mass, but the ways they interact remain poorly understood. This study of 245 pre- and early pubertal girls found that the PvuII polymorphism in the ER- gene modulates the effect of exercise on BMD at loaded bone sites. Introduction: Impaired achievement of bone mass at puberty is an important risk factor for the development of osteoporosis in later life. Genetic, as well as environmental, factors contribute to bone mass, but the ways they interact with each other remain poorly understood. Materials and Methods: We investigated the interaction between a PvuII polymorphism at the ER- gene and physical activity (PA) on the modulation of bone…
Relation of PvuII site polymorphism in the COL1A2 gene to the risk of fractures in prepubertal Finnish girls.
Genetic susceptibility to fractures may be detectable in early childhood. We evaluated the associations between the polymorphic PvuII site of the COL1A2 gene and bone properties assessed by different modalities (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; peripheral quantitative computed tomography; gel coupling scanning quantitative ultrasonometry; ultrasound bone sonometry), bone turnover markers, and the occurrence of fractures in 244 prepubertal Finnish girls. Tanner stage and physical characteristics did not differ significantly among girls with different COL1A2 genotypes. The polymorphism was not significantly associated with different bone properties or any of the bone turnover markers when gi…
Genetics of children's bone growth
Miia Suuriniemi tutki perintötekijöiden vaikutusta murrosikäisten lasten luuston kasvuun ja kehitykseen. Osteoporoosin sukurasitus ei rajoitu koskemaan pelkästään vanhuusiän perinnöllistä luukatoa, vaan vaikutus saattaa ilmetä jo lievinä kasvuhäiriöinä lapsuusiässä. Tietyt perintötekijät saattavat myös altistaa lapsuuden luunmurtumille, jotka omalta osaltaan voivat hidastaa nuoren kasvua, aiheuttaen mahdollisesti jopa pysyviä luustovaurioita.Luusto muodostuu pääosin kollageeniproteiinista, joka antaa luustolle vetolujuutta ja sitkojoustavuutta. Kollageenin rakennetta muuttavat geneettiset mutaatiot aiheuttavat lähes poikkeuksetta harvinaista, mutta vakavaa synnynnäistä luustosairautta, oste…