P. Limbourg

Effect of diazoxide on left ventricular performance in hypertension.

The effect of diazoxide on left ventricular performance during rest and isometric exercise (handgrip) was examined in 16 unselected hypertensive patients, 6 of whom had been pretreated with the beta-adrenergic blocking agent pindolol. Diazoxide regularly and promptly produced a fall in left ventricular systolic and end diastolic pressures, and an increase in heart rate and left ventricular dp/dtmax. Haemodynamic changes were maximal 2 minutes after injection of the drug and decreased little over the next 8 minutes. After beta-adrenergic blockade, diazoxide caused a more pronounced reduction in left ventricular systolic pressure and a less marked fall in end-diastolic pressure, whilst the di…

research product

Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von Practolol, Pindolol und Propranolol auf die Hämodynamik und Kontraktilität des linken Ventrikels bei Patienten mit coronarer Herzerkrankung

s-Receptorenblocker werden heute in der Klinik vorwiegend bei Patienten mit coronarer Herzerkrankung zur Behandlung von Angina pectoris und Arrhythmien eingesetzt [1]. Die Befunde experimenteller Untersuchungen unter definierten Versuchsbedingungen uber Kardioselektivitat, sympathicomimetische („intrinsic activity“) und kardiodepressive („chinidinartige“) Eigenwirkung sympathicolytischer Substanzen [1, 2, 3, 5] sind nicht ohne weiteres auf die Klinik ubertragbar. Bei der Neueinfuhrung solcher Substanzen sind daher vergleichende Unter- suchungen uber Art und Ausmas hamodynamischer Veranderungen gerade an Coronarkranken unerlaslich.

research product

Left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction

10 patients with their first AMI were studied within the first 48 hours and again after 3 weeks. Central and peripheral haemodynamics (CI, SV, SW, TPR) were examined, including indices of contractility (dp/dtmax) and wall stiffness (deltaP/deltaV, relation deltaP/deltaV to P) of the left ventricle. In the early phase CI and SW, as well as LV dp/dtmax were depressed in accordance with symptoms of LV failure. deltaP/deltaV was increased. Elevation of LVEDP correlated well with ventricular gallop rhythm, but less consistently with LV functional disturbance. During convalescence CI increased uniformly, both in digitalized and non-digitalized individuals. In contrast heart rate, aortic pressure,…

research product