Neural Networks to Determine the Relationships Between Business Innovation and Gender Aspects
Gender aspects of management, innovation and entrepreneurship are gaining more and more importance as cross-cutting issues for researchers, practitioners and decision makers. Extant literature pays a growing attention to the hypothesis that there exists a correlation between the gender diversity of corporate boards of directors and the business attitude to innovation. In this paper we introduce a working framework to test the aforementioned hypothesis and to examine the correlation between board diversity and innovation perception of a business. This framework is based on correlation computation and feed-forward neural networks, and it is used to evaluate whether the gender component may be…
The Future of Co-Creation
The objective of this article is to provide a brief summary of the key directions in value co-creation research that have emerged in the last 10 years. It points to several emerging streams in value co-creation research including: i) general management perspective; ii) new product development and innovation; iii) virtual customer environments; iv) service science and service-dominant logic (SDL) of marketing; and v) international markets and entrepreneurship, with a focus on the general management and innovation perspectives. In addition, the article points to another emerging new direction focusing on business co-creation. The development of business co-creation frameworks integrating the …