Juha Hulmi
The effects of whey protein with or without carbohydrates on resistance training adaptations
Background: Nutrition intake in the context of a resistance training (RT) bout may affect body composition and muscle strength. However, the individual and combined effects of whey protein and carbohydrates on long-term resistance training adaptations are poorly understood. Methods: A four-week preparatory RT period was conducted in previously untrained males to standardize the training background of the subjects. Thereafter, the subjects were randomized into three groups: 30 g of whey proteins (n = 22), isocaloric carbohydrates (maltodextrin, n = 21), or protein + carbohydrates (n = 25). Within these groups, the subjects were further randomized into two whole-body 12-week RT regimens aimin…
Are skeletal muscle FNDC5 expression and irisin release regulated by exercise and related to health?
Recently, contradictory findings have been reported concerning the function of irisin and its precursor gene, skeletal muscle FNDC5, in energy homeostasis, and the associated regulatory role of exercise and PGC-1α. We therefore evaluated whether muscle FNDC5 mRNA and serum irisin are exercise responsive and whether PGC-1α expression is associated with FNDC5 expression. The male subjects in the study performed single exercises: (1) 1 h low-intensity aerobic exercise (AE) (middle-aged, n= 17), (2) a heavy-intensity resistance exercise (RE) bout (young n= 10, older n= 11) (27 vs. 62 years), (3) long-term 21 weeks endurance exercise (EE) training alone (twice a week, middle-aged, n= 9), or (4) …
Liikunnan biotieteet : tiivistä yhteistyötä ja aktiivista vuoropuhelua
Liikunnan biotieteiden yhteistyö perustieteiden kanssa tiivistyy tulevaisuudessa entisestään, samoin aktiivinen vuoropuhelu liikunnan edistäjien kanssa. Liikunnan ylivertaiset terveysvaikutukset ovat lisänneet myös perustieteiden kiinnostusta selvittää liikunnan vaikutusmekanismeja, mikä tarjoaa mahdollisuuden win-win -yhteistyöhön. Liikuntafysiologian seuraavat merkittävät löydöt ovat odotettavissa mahdollisesti tutkimuksista, joissa uusien tutkimusmenetelmien avulla vertaillaan eri tyyppisen liikunnan vaikutuksia eri elimissä ja niiden välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. nonPeerReviewed
Treatment with soluble activin type IIB-receptor improves bone mass and strength in a mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Background: Inhibition of activin/myostatin pathway has emerged as a novel approach to increase muscle mass and bone strength. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disorder that leads to progressive muscle degeneration and also high incidence of fractures. The aim of our study was to test whether inhibition of activin receptor IIB ligands with or without exercise could improve bone strength in the mdx mouse model for DMD. Methods: Thirty-two mdx mice were divided to running and non-running groups and to receive either PBS control or soluble activin type IIB-receptor (ActRIIB-Fc) once weekly for 7 weeks. Results: Treatment of mdx mice with ActRIIB-Fc resulted in significantly…
Autophagy is induced by resistance exercise in young men but unfolded protein response is induced regardless of age
Aim Autophagy and unfolded protein response (UPR) appear to be important for skeletal muscle homoeostasis and may be altered by exercise. Our aim was to investigate the effects of resistance exercise and training on indicators of UPR and autophagy in healthy untrained young men (n = 12, 27 ± 4 years) and older men (n = 8, 61 ± 6 years) as well as in resistance‐trained individuals (n = 15, 25 ± 5 years). Methods Indicators of autophagy and UPR were investigated from the muscle biopsies after a single resistance exercise bout and after 21 weeks of resistance training. Results Lipidated LC3II as an indicator of autophagosome content increased at 48 hours post‐resistance exercise (P < .05) and …
Resistance Training Induces Antiatherogenic Effects on Metabolomic Pathways
Introduction: Arising evidence suggests that resistance training has the potential to induce beneficial modulation of biomarker profile. To date, however, only immediate responses to resistance training have been investigated using high-throughput metabolomics whereas the effects of chronic resistance training on biomarker profile have not been studied in detail. Methods: A total of 86 recreationally active healthy men without previous systematic resistance training background were allocated into i) a resistance training (RT) group (n=68, age 33 ± 7 years, body mass index (BMI) 28 ± 3 kg/m2 ) and ii) a non-RT group (n=18, age 31 ± 4 years, BMI 27 ± 3 kg/m2 ). Blood samples were collected at…
Voimaharjoitusta edeltävän hera-kaseinaattiyhdistelmän akuutti vaikutus seerumin hormoneihin ja energia-aineenvaihduntaan
Hulmi, Juha 2004. Voimaharjoitusta edeltävän hera-kaseinaattiyhdistelmän vaikutus seerumin hormoneihin ja energia-aineenvaihduntaan. Liikuntafysiologian Pro gradu -tutkielma. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Liikuntabiologian laitos. 150 s. Voimaharjoituksen välittömiä fysiologisia vasteita on tutkittu paljon, mutta voimaharjoitusta edeltävän ravinnon vaikutukset tunnetaan huonosti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää voimaharjoitusta edeltävän heraa ja kaseinaattia sisältävän proteiiniyhdistelmän vaikutuksia seerumin hormoneihin ja ener-gia-aineenvaihduntaan voimaharjoituksen aikana ja runsaan kahden tunnin aikana sen jälkeen. Kymmenen voimaharjoittelua harrastanutta miestä (ikä 23,9 ± 2,0 …
Muscle and serum metabolomes are dysregulated in colon-26 tumor-bearing mice despite amelioration of cachexia with activin receptor type 2B ligand blockade
Cancer-associated cachexia reduces survival, which has been attenuated by blocking the activin receptor type 2B (ACVR2B) ligands in mice. The purpose of this study was to unravel the underlying physiology and novel cachexia biomarkers by use of the colon-26 (C26) carcinoma model of cancer cachexia. Male BALB/c mice were subcutaneously inoculated with C26 cancer cells or vehicle control. Tumor-bearing mice were treated with vehicle (C26+PBS) or soluble ACVR2B either before (C26+sACVR/b) or before and after (C26+sACVR/c) tumor formation. Skeletal muscle and serum metabolomics analysis was conducted by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cancer altered various biologically functional groups …
Molecular and hormonal responses and adaptation to resistance and protein nutrition in young and older men
The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanisms leading to muscle hypertrophy in humans by studying local muscle molecular and systemic hormonal responses to a single bout of heavy resistance exercise (RE) and to long-term resistance training (RT) with or without protein supplementation in a randomized controlled double-blinded design. In line with earlier studies, heavy RT for 21 weeks led to muscle hypertrophy and an increase in muscle strength in both young and older men. Whey protein ingestion before and after each RE workout increased vastus lateralis (VL) muscle cross-sectional area and seemed to accelerate the increase in VL muscle thickness as well as the increase in …
Treating cachexia using soluble ACVR2B improves survival, alters mTOR localization, and attenuates liver and spleen responses.
Background Cancer cachexia increases morbidity and mortality, and blocking of activin receptor ligands has improved survival in experimental cancer. However, the underlying mechanisms have not yet been fully uncovered. Methods The effects of blocking activin receptor type 2 (ACVR2) ligands on both muscle and non‐muscle tissues were investigated in a preclinical model of cancer cachexia using a recombinant soluble ACVR2B (sACVR2B‐Fc). Treatment with sACVR2B‐Fc was applied either only before the tumour formation or with continued treatment both before and after tumour formation. The potential roles of muscle and non‐muscle tissues in cancer cachexia were investigated in order to understand th…
Kakeksian mekanismit ja hoito
Kakeksia on sairauden aiheuttama tila, jossa paino sekä luurankolihaksen ja rasvakudoksen määrä vähenevät ja toimintakyky heikkenee, eikä näitä oireita voida täysin kumota ravitsemuksen tuella. Kakeksiaa esiintyy erityisesti syöpäsairauksien yhteydessä. Se heikentää elämänlaatua, lisää kuolleisuutta ja hankaloittaa perustaudin hoitovasteen saavuttamista. Kakeksian patofysiologia tunnetaan vain osittain. Tärkeimpiä mekanismeja ovat yleistynyt tulehdusvaste, luurankolihaksen surkastuminen, rasvakudoksen aineenvaihdunnan muutokset ja hormonaalisen toiminnan häiriintyminen. Yksittäisiin tekijöihin vaikuttavat lääkitykset eivät tilan monitekijäisen patofysiologian vuoksi tehoa riittävästi, eikä …
Miten lihas kasvaa?
Lihakset aistivat kuormitusta ja muokkautuvat rasitukseen. Perimä ja se miten geenimme ilmentyvät vaikuttavat merkittävästi lihaskokoon. Lihassolumme pystyvät kuitenkin mukautumaan kulloisiinkin olosuhteisiin, kuten ravitsemustilaan ja fyysiseen aktiivisuuden tasoon. nonPeerReviewed
Näyttöön perustuva fysiikkavalmennus : tutkimustietoa, kokemusta, näkemystä ja yksilöllistä soveltamista
Urheilijan kehityksen maksimoinnissa tulee osata yhdistää niin fyysistä, psyykkistä, teknistä kuin taktistakin valmennusta. Liikuntaelimistön rakenteen ja toiminnan ymmärtäminen, laji- ja tavoiteanalyysi sekä valmennusopillisen kokonaistutkimusnäytön osaaminen ovat tärkeitä. Samoin taito räätälöidä tutkittuun tietoon pohjautuvat harjoitusohjelmat yksilökohtaisesti – käyttämällä hyväksi niin esitietoja harjoitushistoriasta, testausta, rautaista kokemusta, loogista päättelyä kuin yritystä ja erehdystäkin. nonPeerReviewed
Cellular and tissue expression of DAPIT, a phylogenetically conserved peptide
DAPIT (Diabetes Associated Protein in Insulin-sensitive Tissues) is a small, phylogenetically conserved, 58 amino acid peptide that was previously shown to be down-regulated at mRNA level in insulin-sensitive tissues of type 1 diabetes rats. In this study we characterize a custom made antibody against DAPIT and confirm the mitochondrial presence of DAPIT on cellular level. We also show that DAPIT is localized in lysosomes of HUVEC and HEK 293T cells. In addition, we describe the histological expression of DAPIT in several tissues of rat and man and show that it is highly expressed especially in cells with high aerobic metabolism and epithelial cells related to active transport of nutrients …