Hannu Niittykangas

The Adaptation of Professional Fishing to Diminished Vendace Stocks: The Case of Finnish Inland Waters

Abstract The large number of lakes covering 10% of Finland's surface area provide an opportunity for both full-time and part-time professional fishing. However, the development of the fishing industry is hindered by unpredictable fluctuations in fish stocks, by the elaborate hierarchy of the fisheries system, as well as by certain features of Finnish professional fishing, such as the small size of fishing enterprises, the scattered pattern of production, and long transportation distances to the core demand areas. According to Finnish catch statistics, the stock of vendace Coregonus albula has clearly diminished since the mid 1980s. Our results show that full-time professional fishermen diff…

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Yrittäjyydestä ja yrittäjämäisestä toiminnasta

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Sosiaalinen yrittäjyys : näkökulmia ja tuloksia

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Yrittäjän subjektiivinen rationaalisuus mekanististen selitysmallien maailmassa : esimerkkinä paikallinen kehittäminen

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Intergenerational mobility in self-employment: a regional approach

Self-employment is an important option in the work careers of many. It may be seen as a learning process illustrated for example in the social development model by Gibb and Ritchie (1982) and in the model of entrepreneurial careers by Dyer (1994). In the former, entrepreneurship is mainly seen in terms of the situations which individuals encounter and the social groups to which they relate. Among many others, family background, education and work experience have an effect directly, or indirectly through intentions (see Krueger and Carsrud 1993)on becoming self-employed. The children of parents owned a business are more likely to see such a career as more acceptable than working for someone …

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Alueellinen yrittäjyys

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