Ferro V

Opere di sistemazione idraulico-forestale

Il volume illustra, nella visione unitaria del sistema “bacino idrografico”, i processi fisici, le problematiche applicative e le tipologie di intervento disponibili per la sistemazione del reticolo fluviale e dei versanti. Il trasporto solido delle correnti a pelo libero viene introdotto con l’intento di esaminare i processi evolutivi del cavo fluviale, di fornire indicazioni per la progettazione delle opere di correzione ed inalveazione del tracciato del corso d’acqua e di stabilire l’influenza dell’inserimento di manufatti sul delicato equilibrio del sistema fluviale. La trattazione, seguendo il percorso della corrente dalle propaggini più montane fino allo sbocco a mare, esamina opere c…

research product

Scour on alluvial bed downstream of grade-control structures

This paper describes an approach for predicting local scour downstream of grade control structures. The developed analysis applies the incomplete self-similarity (ISS) theory for deducing some physically based dimensionless groups controlling the geometrical pattern of the scour profile. The scour measurements available in the literature in conjunction with numerous unpublished data allow a multiregressive calibration of the ISS relationships. The experimental sample includes different bed grain-size distributions and scales of the erosive phenomenon. The results prove that the ratio between the upstream water head and the weir height is able to explain the measurements of scour depth carri…

research product

USLE-based models: perspectives and limitations in soil erosion modelling

Water soil erosion is a process of detachment and transport of soil particles due to rainfall and runoff and causes the landform modeling on earthʹs surface. The acceleration of soil erosion process through anthropogenic perturbation has severe impacts on soil which becomes qualitatively poor for crop establishment and growth. Planning soil conservation strategies requires prediction technologies of soil loss over a long‐time period. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), and its revised versions, are widely tested and applied in different environments throughout the world. At present, the USLE continues to be the most applied model for estimating soil loss and still represents the best c…

research product