Giuseppe Salvo
Introduction: Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) is a sterile neutrophilic disorder, rarely described in children and adolescents, and frequently it is known as secondary to other chronic inflammatory diseases. However, epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic data on paediatric PG are numerically limited and no randomized controlled trials have been published. Associated diseases in paediatric cases are inflammatory bowel diseases, vasculitis, immune deficiencies, PAPA Syndrome. The treatment with systemic steroids and cyclosporine is well documented in the literature as the first-line treatment. In nonresponders, other treatment lines are indicated, as: corticosteroids and mycophenolate mofetil, …
Parenting Stress Profile and Children Behaviour in Patients with Congenital Hypothyroidism
Background: Hypothyroidism has been associated with cognitive and motor impairments, the degree to which mild hypothyroidism, or subclinical hypothyroidism impacts mood and cognitive functions and whether these symptoms respond to treatment, remains controversial. Furthermore, hypothyroidism is associated with an increased susceptibility to depression and reductions in health-related quality of life. Objective and hypotheses: Recent longitudinal studies stressed that the follow-up of children with treated congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) should not be limited to the cognitive domain. This study attempted to evaluate the emotional–behavioural profiles in children with CHT and the parenting st…
New mobility strategies for the development of tourism in Sicily
Tourism and Transport is a well established and inseparable pair. An areas can increase the tourism in potentially own economy. This requires suitable accommodation and adequate transportation system. A positive synergy effects are induced to increase of the site. Transport is an important growth area for tourism and as a result. A better functioning of transport facilitates access to sites, decreases the cost of transport and increases tourist flows. In Sicily there are a wealth of artistic, archaeological and natural sites, generating a tourist flows during the year. Despite this, the network of connections and services is precarious. Residents and visitors are inaccessible to certain geo…
I parametri prestazionali dell’infrastruttura nella mobilità non motorizzata
The automatic vehicle monitoring to improve the urban public transport management
Introduction: Kawasaki disease is a systemic vasculitis affecting mainly children; the most serious complications are coronary artery lesions (CAL). Nonetheless, the spectrum of complications involves all the vascular districts, such as the eyes, skin, kidneys, gallbladder, liver, central nervous system. Sensorineural hearing loss is a low diagnosed complication of KD, however, it may be permanent. Objectives: Auditory evoked potentials (ABR) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) are useful in evaluating children without auditory and/or visual symptoms but with diseases that could sub clinically involve these functions. Methods: We enrolled 52 children (31 M, 21 F; age: 3 months-10 years) wit…
Random utility approach to re-design passengers interchange nodes
The passengers interchange node is a complex infrastructure, where the user can choose among different modal options to do his/her trip. These transport infrastructures have various terminals (car park, bus stop, metro, light rail, railway, extra-urban and sub urban bus and so on). The passengers, inside interchange node, have to reach these terminals walking often with luggage and for long distances. We calibrated a discrete choice model taking into account attributes able to explain the passenger behaviour by observed flows and generalized least squares technique. Furthermore an ex ante / ex post analysis was carried out in order to design and evaluate measure to incentive modal integrati…
The fast maritime transport for the waterfront revitalization of the airports in Western Sicily.
In this paper we propose a new mobility model that uses sea transports for systematic and occasional users, tourists, etc.., which must reach the airports of Palermo and Trapani. In particular fast ferries, even with their operational limitations, can be used for quick links designed for the mobility demand that interests the airports of Western Sicily. These transport nodes are currently isolated because they are accessible essentially by means of rubber, given the supply shortages of the rail system. The aim of this study is to reassess the waterfront of a stretch of coast between the two Sicilian airports, places near the sea, that can use sea transport systems to reduce congestion on th…
A multidisciplinary approach using LCCA and micro-simulation 10 model for the management of the urban pavements
The maintenance and the rehabilitation of the urban road pavements are not often based on systematic program and scheduling but rather on emergency or on other not identified reasons. Moreover the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), the only peculiar procedure for the management pavement, finds its own application for highway and motorway, even if it is possible to search the best investment for the urban interstate and arterials. By the light of the quantity of the involved resources, it seems necessary to define an operative methodology for programming the maintenance and rehabilitation activities for the urban pavement. The paper is oriented towards the development of a multidisciplinary ap…
A methodology to improve a public transport system
Il ruolo del trasporto marittimo per lo sviluppo dell’Area Mediterranea. Il Sistema Portuale siciliano
The aim of paper is to carry out a benchmarking analysis among European and North African Cities in order to point out the improvement areas for a Sustainable Urban Public Transport System. The focus is to improve public transport performance, all aspects such as fares, operational effectiveness and attractiveness of the service.
La mobilità all’interno di un nodo di una rete di trasporto intermodale. Una metodologia di analisi e valutazione
A system for wide area travellers to provide infomobility services
SWATHE (System for Wide Area Travellers and Haulers to provide infomobility sErvices) is a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research (MIUR). The project, was led by Telespazio and the University of Palermo, it had a duration of three years and the main objective was the study and development of applications based on innovative location techniques (e.g. supported by GPS, EGNOS-TRAN and more, generally, by assisted network systems) for the provision of infomobility services in the framework of the intermodal transportation of goods. The SWATHE project manages the change among transport modes by the seamless monitoring of intermodal transport units. The pr…
Un WEB-GIS per la scelta del percorso nelle greenways regionali: Una sperimentazione nel territorio regionale siciliano
Il Parco della favorita: riqualificazione e fruibilità per la mobilità lenta
Modelling Airlines Competition on Fares and Frequencies of Service by Bi-level Optimization
Abstract The research aims to understand how airlines make operative decisions on fares and frequencies of service in a competitive envi-ronment. A game approach has been developed to model the airlines’ choices in a duopolistic market. In particular, the short haul market for intercity linkages has been investigated. In this segment the air mode is in competition with other ground modes (i.e. road and high speed rail). A bi-level optimization program has been realized. The variables of model are: fares and frequencies of airlines.
Un web-gis per la scelta del percorso nelle greenways regionali
Il ruolo delle ferrovie nell'area metropolitana di Palermo
Pavement Management System model using a LCCA- microsimulation integrated approach
The maintenance and the rehabilitation of the urban road pavements are not often based on systematic program and scheduling but rather on emergency or on other not identified reasons. Moreover the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), the only peculiar procedure for the management pavement, finds its own application for highway and motorway, even if it is possible to search the best investment for the urban interstate and arterials. By the light of the quantity of the involved resources, it seems necessary to define an operative methodology for programming the maintenance and rehabilitation activities for the urban pavement. The paper is oriented towards the development of a multidisciplinary ap…
Toward an urban transport sustainability index: an European comparison
Introduction The aim of paper is to cluster policies of sustainable mobility in order to define an essential set of specific Transport Performance Indicators (TPI). TPIs are standardized measures suitable for analysis in order to appraise the feasibility of a transport policy or an infrastructural project. Data collection of TPIs is a crucial phase, but data detection and monitoring are not standardized at the city level. Thus, there is no a standard for data collection and storing, this aspect makes much difficult to compare different city contexts. This issue is critical and bounds the analysis of built scenarios. A standardized set of transport performance indicators becomes, hence, esse…
Pedestrian access to a network of public transport
The location of the bus stops is very important in urban and suburban contexts. The same importance of safety perception and comfort during transport operations is attributed to accessibility to bus stops. The placement of bus stops is a crucial factor to increase safety of passengers and pedestrians as well as the efficacy and efficiency of local public transport operations. To correctly localize these infrastructures, designers use physical parameters, such as maximum walking distance and travel time. While critical factors related to the quality of pedestrian access to the bus stop, to the real walked distance or to land use of bus stop areas are not taken in to account. The purpose of t…
Traffic microscopic simulation models are able to represent traffic conditions and their evolution over time. They take into account the geometrical aspects of transport infrastructures, driver behavior and, step by step, the vehicles’ movements on the road network. The most widespread applications of these models are referred to accident management, route guidance problems (possibility of evaluating control strategies in real time), adaptive control of traffic-light and ramp metering (management and control of the ramps and flow). To accomplish this goal observational data of vehicles’ kinematic characteristics have to be acquired. These elements are not always easily available. In scienti…
Gap acceptance analysis in an urban intersection through a video acquired by an UAV
Purpose of this paper is to apply a methodology previously developed to achieve an accurate measurements of the real traffic condition thought the use of a video acquired by an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and a probe vehicle equipped with a differential GPS. The used methodology is not invasive and thus, it doesn't influence the driver behavior. The used equipment must not be compared to the traditional techniques of traffic flow but it can be used for particular situations in which the installation of fixed detectors is not economic. In particular, we have analyzed the gap acceptance for an urban intersection between a main road with dual carriageway and two lanes in one direction, that …
Traffic data acquirement by unmanned aerial vehicle
This paper presents a methodology aimed to acquire traffic flow data through the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The study is focused on the determination of driving behavior parameters of road users and on the reconstruction of traffic flow Origin/Destination matrix. The methodology integrates UAV flights with video image processing technique, and the capability of geographic information systems, to represent spatiotemporal phenomena. In particular, analyzing different intersections, the attention of the authors is focused on users’ gap acceptance in a naturalistic drivers’ behavior condition (drivers are not influenced by the presence of instruments and operators on the roa…
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials and Visual Potentials in Kawasaki Disease: An Observational Monocentric Study
Background: Kawasaki Disease is a systemic vasculitis, particularly involving coronary arteries. Rare involvement of other vascular districts is described, as central nervous system arteries, leading to a vasculitic neuropathy. Sensorineural hearing loss and alterations of evoked potentials are uncommonly reported complications.Methods: In an observational monocentric study, 59 children (37 males; 22 females; mean age: 2.7 ± 2.2 years) with documented Kawasaki Disease were enrolled. No risk factors for hearing loss and/or neurological impairment were identified in the cohort. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials and visual evoked potentials were correlated with clinical, hamatological and r…
Modelli di simulazione pedonale in ambito aeroportuale
I terminal aeroportuali rappresentano nodi complessi d’interscambio tra diffe-renti modi di trasporto ed il loro corretto dimensionamento può influire sull’operativi-tà del sistema di trasporto al quale sono connessi, specie se caratterizzato dai vo-lumi di crescita che si registrano su moltissimi aeroporti nazionali ed internazionali.
Geomatica e Microsimulazione. Una metodologia integrata per l’analisi di un’intersezione stradale urbana
Bladder tumours in children: An interesting case report of TCC with a partial inverted growth pattern.
Bladder urothelial carcinoma is typically a disease of older individuals and rarely occurs below the age of 40 years. There is debate and uncertainty in the literature regarding the clinicopathologic and prognostic characteristics of bladder urothelial neoplasms in younger patients compared with older patients, although no consistent age criteria have been used to define "younger" age group categories. We report on a 16 years old girl with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder with a partial inverted growth pattern who presented with gross hematuria. Ultrasonography revealed a papillary lesion in the bladder; cystoscopic evaluation showed a 15 mm papillary lesion with a thick stalk loc…
La cooperazione nel campo del trasporto marittimo per lo sviluppo del mediterraneo occidentale.
A GIS Approach for the Integration of the Transit Network with the Road Public Transport in the Metropolitan Area of Palermo.
Le isole minori quali poli di attrazione turistica ed i servizi elicotteristici di linea in Sicilia
La continua esigenza di accorciare i tempi di viaggio, che, assieme alla spinta all’economicità delle tariffe, caratterizza fortemente la domanda passeggeri, spinge alla progettazione di sistemi di trasporto innovativi che permettano di ottenere prestazioni efficaci ed efficienti. I modi di trasporto provano a rispondere all’esigenza di garantire una pronta e adeguata copertura di mobilità e, d’altro canto, ad abbattere la difficoltà di riuscire a realizzare sistemi dinamici, che possano adattarsi nel tempo alle fluttuazioni della domanda. Tra i sistemi di trasporto pubblico quello elicotteristico non riveste attualmente un ruolo da protagonista all’interno della complessa struttura della m…
A WEB-GIS for the choice of the path in the regional greenways
Tourists seem less interested in the traditional sites of mass tourism, which has damaged local identities. The tourist reclaims the old function of journey, intent on widening his knowledge of the surrounding territory, while respecting the social and cultural equality of other population. This study outlines a methodology to identify the generalized cost for a system of no-motorized transport in order to determine the modal choice of users and the route of minimum cost to reach the desired destination. Within the information users, a key role is played by telematics now widely accessible through web interfaces. With the word greenways we mean the network for the no-motorized constituted b…
Alcuni elementi riguardanti i modelli di simulazione del traffico
Latent Class Approach to Estimate the Willingness to Pay for Transit User Information
The aim of analysis is to understand how unreliable information influences user behaviour and how much it discourages public transport use. For this purpose, a Stated Preference Survey was carried out in order to know the preferences of public transport users relating to information needs and uncertainty on the information provided by Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS). The perceived uncertainty is defined as information inaccuracy. In our study, we consider- ed the difference between forecasted or scheduled waiting time at the bus stop and/or metro station provided by ATIS, and that experienced by user, to catch the bus and/or metro. A questionnaire was submitted to an appropriat…
Accessibility urban and central business
The structures and facilities of large dimensions, such as shopping malls centers and leisure facilities are an important component in the expansion of contemporary cities and urban planning. Urban planning and transport have to be involved in the strategic role of policy related to business planning, this is the aim the city has to requalify the suburbs and large marginal areas. This study analyzes the characteristics and the dynamics that influence the mobility demand and the impact that these greet attractors have on mobility itself.
The Perceived Uncertainty and Information Needs of Public Transport Users
INTELLI 2013, The Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications
The research of optimization techniques in the system of goods distribution from warehouses to final users (vehicle routing problem), made considerable savings on the total cost of transport and, consequently, on the final cost of goods, and produced the models applicable to other operating environments (e.g., transport for disabled people, school, municipal waste collection). The analysis conducted on the different models developed under the VRP highlights the support that these models can give on the infomobility of goods.
Sustainable Mobility Planning in the Tourist Centres: the Estimation of Transport Demand.
This paper on sustainable mobility planning in tourist centers is from the proceedings of 14th international Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, which was held in Malta in 2008. The authors focus on estimating the potential non-motorized transport demand and to design the supply of sustainable modes of transportation, including public transit, bicycling and walking. The authors use the tourist area of San Vito Lo Capo, the famous historical and swimming center of Sicily, as a case example. They conducted a stated preference survey in June-July 2006 to evaluate the potential demand of non-motorized transport modes, primarily bicycling, then calibrated a mul…
Urban Traffic Analysis through an UAV
Abstract In order to realize a precise and accurate traffic study, a method to evaluate the real traffic flow conditions in urban areas based on videos acquired by an UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, is proposed. In this way it does not require additional equipment to earth and, not being invasive, does not influence the driver behavior. This paper presents the results obtained in terms of vehicular traffic flow along a way in the city of Palermo. The results have been compared to experiments using macroscopic simulation models and the eventually differences have been discussed.
Le ferrovie strumento per una mobilità sostenibile nell'a.m. di Palermo
Il sostegno multidisciplinare dell'adolescente con patologia reumatologica: progetto pilota della Clinica Pediatrica di Palermo
Introduction: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most frequent vasculitis in children. Typically, it is characterized by palpable purpura, joints swelling, arthralgia, abdominal pain with possible intestinal bleeding. In more severe cases, the patients show acute abdomen. Acute pancreatitis is a rare dramatically evolutive, life-treating manifestation of SHS and it can be associated with a fulminant course. Persistent abdominal pain, need to be investigated by the dosage of serum pancreatic amylase, lipase and by abdominal MRI. In these patients, corticosteroid treatment is recommended and must be associated with parenteral feeding. Objectives: We analysed the full series of children wit…
Organizzazione di un evento: trasporti e sicurezza
L'accessibilità dei Trasporti Pubblici come Strumento per Vincere L’esclusione Sociale
Economic evaluation of PV system for EV charging stations: Comparison between matching maximum orientation and storage system employment
This article addresses the problem of the choice of a generation system to be implemented to reduce the impact of charging electric vehicles at University. Based on the behaviour of the student population, it is identified the electrical load. Two possible solutions are evaluated in order to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels in order to increase the power at defined time and the use of storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy.
Metodologie per la valutazione dell’accessibilità al trasporto pubblico urbano
Un GIS per la localizzazione ottimale degli stalli riservati ai veicoli commerciali per la distribuzione urbana delle merci
Criteri di modellizzazione di reti stradali: il caso mondello
Un approccio per una valutazione di impatto ambientale dell'esercizio di un nodo aeroportuale
Integrazione modale e informazione all'utenza: GIS e trasporti metropolitani
Il ruolo delle ferrovie nell'area metropolitana di Messina
I sistemi ITS per la sicurezza dei veicoli
l'offerta trasportistica all'interno dei siti internet alberghieri
A methodology to improve public transport system
The quality of pedestrian routes of access to public transport system (PTS) is an important aspect for the choice of transport mode, that can be evaluated also using some indicators as accessibility, comfort, frequency, etc... The policies for urban sustainable mobility must reflect the design and management of mass transit systems, but also the judgment of users in term of quality and perception of PTS. The purpose is reassess slow mobility encouraging the intermodal mobility between pedestrian and public transport. So the walking can be considered as alternative mode of urban transport and a moment of break from the chaos of modern life. It’s role should be considered as an important elem…
Latent Class Model to Test the Preferences Heterogeneity in the Perceived Information by Public Transport Users
The aim of analysis is to understand as not reliable information influence the user behaviour and how much disincentive the public transport use. For this purpose, a Stated Preference Survey has been carried out in order to know the preferences of public transport users related to information needs and uncertainty on the information provided by Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS). The perceived uncertainty is defined as the information accuracy. In our study, it was considered the difference between forecasted or scheduled waiting time at the bus stop and/or metro station provided by ATIS, and experienced one by user, to catch the bus and/or metro respectively. A questionnaire has …
la progettazione dell'informazione e le strategie di erogazione all'utenza
I "servizi informativi per gli utenti in mobilità" comprendono l''insieme dei sistemi tecnologici, apparati mobili, unità centrali ed elementi distribuiti sul territorio, che permettono la raccolta e lo scambio di informazioni tra soggetti in movimento e applicazioni informatiche tramite l''integrazione di diverse tecnologie di comunicazione, di localizzazione, di acquisizione e di trattamento delle informazioni. Un tema particolarmente complesso riguarda l''erogazione dell''informazione agli utenti in modo che l''intero sistema tragga dall''infomobilità i maggiori vantaggi possibili. Lo studio prende in esame gli strumenti necessari affinché le informazioni giungano all’utente, i possibili…
AB0996 Rheumathologic Diseases in Adolescence: Psychological Profile of a Difficult Age
Background Chronic disease significantly interfere with the quality of life at every age, expecially in a period of life characterized by the need to assume a role in the society and the research of a specific identity. The personal image is often destroyed by the disease, the long term sequelae of pharmacological treatment. Adolescents are frequently obligated to quit many possibilities of experience with peers. Objectives We realized a plurispecialistic approach to adolescents with rheumatologic diseases, with the figures of neuropsychiatric, psychologists, rheumatologists, endocrinologists, to give an answer to the complex requests of these patients. Methods We evaluated 20 patients with…
A GIS approach to optimal localization of reserved parking spaces for urban freight distribution
Indicatori per caratterizzare la sostenibilità di politiche di mobilità
L'utilizzo di sistemi di posizionamento GPS per la determinazione di curve di deflusso in ambito urbano
Lo sviluppo di un sistema di trasporto ferroviario merci richiede di minimizzare i tempi di percorrenza e massimizzare la capacità di carico dei convogli. Questo obiettivo può essere raggiunto mediante tre diverse strategie, che possono essere adottate separatamente o in modo congiunto. Le strategie consistono sostanzialmente nell’aumento della capacità di carico del singolo carro, nell’aumento della lunghezza del convoglio e nell’aumento della velocità del veicolo. La possibilità di attuare simultaneamente le tre strategie è possibile solo disponendo di infrastrutture dedicate e utilizzando una progettazione specifica della linea e dei veicoli. Il lavoro illustra gli effetti di un innalzam…
The paper aims to provide a framework for the preliminary design of dial a ride system. In this context we have carried out a stated preference survey to evaluate the potential demand of service, taking into account a sample of citizens with limited disability to move. Thus, we have submitted a questionnaire to users of some clinics of Palermo, considering in the choice competitive scenario the dial a ride system. Furthermore a multinomial logit model has been calibrated. Finally a preliminary design of service has been proposed.