Santoro L.

La normativa emergenziale anti-covid in ambito calcistico: il caso Napoli

The essay analysesthe effects of the rules applicabile in the sport industry for the purpose of limiting the Covid virus diffusion taking into account both the regulations issued by the National Football Association and the provisions enacted by the competent Government's ministry

research product


This article concerns the profession of Sports Agent, introduced in the Italian legal system by the recent Law of Stability 2018 (L. 27th december 2017, no. 205, art. 1, par. 373), which has established the “National Register of Sports Agents” under the supervision of CONI. The legislator has therefore newly regulated a profession, until now regulated only within the sports system, providing for it specific requirements and limits to its exercise related to passing an exam and registration in the above mentioned register. This regulation induces a critical analysis with regard, on one hand, to its incidence in the sports legal system and, generally, to the relations between the latter and t…

research product

Palermo Historical Centre: correlations between Vs30 Zonation map and damage scenario of the 6th september 2002 earthquake

research product

La giurisprudenza del Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport nel suo quarto anno di attività

This essay analyzes the decisions of Sport Guarantee Committee issued in the year 2018. It follows the previous essay dedicated to the jurisprudence of Sport Guarantee Committee during the past three years of activity, published in this same journal, with the dual aim of updating with respect to the issues already dealt with therein and of enlargement with regard to new issues. As well as the previous, the present essay, for the function prformed by the Author within the Sport Guarantee Committee, carries a reasoned analysis, but with a merely descriptive cut, of the main jurisprudential approaches expressed in the decisions of the Guarantee Committe, with the aim to extrapolate the rules a…

research product

La legislazione emergenziale sulle attività sportive nello svolgersi della curva epidemiologica

The article deals with the issue of the effects of the pandemic on sporting and international events, tracing, in particular, the progress of sporting activity progressively as the restrictive measures worsen.

research product

Analisi di dati di danneggiamento inseriti in un database territoriale: effetti prodotti a Palermo dalla sequenza del settembre 2002

research product

La disciplina della professione di agente sportivo contenuta nel D.Lgs. 18/2/2021, n. 37 nel quadro della regolamentazione vigente

Il volume raccoglie i contributi dei componenti della Scuola Palermitana di Diritto Sportivo (SPDS) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo al webinar organizzato d’intesa con il Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Palermo nell’ambito delle attività di formazione continua, svoltosi nei giorni 27 aprile 2021 e 4 maggio 2021, dal titolo “La Scuola Palermitana di Diritto Sportivo (SPDS) commenta la Riforma dello Sport”. I temi trattati sono di significativo interesse giacché la Riforma dello Sport, attuata con la legge delega 8 agosto 2019, n. 86 e successivi decreti attuativi nn. 36, 37, 38, 39 e 40 del 28 febbraio 2021, tocca tutti gli ambiti più rilevanti dell’ordinamento sportivo nella …

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