Maria Stella Giammarinaro
Subsidence hazard in potassic salts mines
Effects of the 6th September 2002 earthquake: damage amplification in the south-eastern sector of Palermo explained by GIS technology
During the 6th September 2002 earthquake the highest damage level in Palermo was observed in the SE sector. This is a recent urbanization area where reinforced concrete structures predominate. A detailed analysis of soil properties in Palermo was carried out by City-GIS to investigate a possible role of nearsurface geology on earthquake effects. City-GIS is a tool dedicated to natural hazard evaluation in urban areas. The availability of high density of well log data (stratigraphic and geotechnical) allowed a realistic modeling of surface geology and physical-mechanical properties that control the seismic response. In wide zones of the above mentioned sector of…
Effect of Local Geology on Ground Motion in the City of Palermo, Italy, as Inferred from Aftershocks of the 6 September 2002 Mw 5.9 Earthquake
On 6 September 2002 a M w 5.9 earthquake occurred in the southern Tyrrhenian sea, 40 km off the coast of Palermo (Italy). In the days after the mainshock, eight temporary stations were installed in the city to record aftershocks on different geological formations. Seismograms of about 30 earthquakes with magnitude ≥2.8 are analyzed. The data analysis confirms the role of near-surface geology in causing locally significant variations of the ground-shaking level as already inferred by Guidoboni et al. (2003) from historical damage scenario studies. The largest spectral variations estimated through aftershock recordings result in a factor of 10 difference between stiff and soft sites, in frequ…
Ground motion phenomena in Caltanissetta (Italy) investigated by InSAR and geological data integration
Urban areas are frequently affected by ground instabilities of various origins. The location of urban zones affected by ground instability phenomena is crucially important for hazard mitigation policies. Satellite-based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has demonstrated its remarkable capability to detect and quantify ground and building motion in urban areas, especially since the development of Advanced Differential Interferometric SAR techniques (A-DInSAR). In fact, the high density of re.ectors like buildings and infrastructures in urban areas improves the quality of the InSAR signal, allowing sub-centimetric displacements to be reliably detected. The A-DInSAR techniques a…
GeoHeritage-GIS: il sito web del patrimonio monumentale del Centro Storico di Palermo
Abstract GeoHeritage-GIS (GH-GIS), a web site concerning Palermo Historic Centre monumental Heritage, developed within Project 7T7 Cluster C29, funded by MIUR, has been designed as a permanent interface between who studies the hazard factors interesting this area and a vast category of final users which operate to safeguard Palermo Monumental Heritage, a very precious common weal. These end-users will benefit from homogeneously collected, frequently improved and periodically updated data concerning soil properties, seismic effects and all of that can help to define the hazard exposition of each monument, having an important tool in establishing a scale of priorities for interventions and re…
Un'applicazione GIS on line, interfaccia tra Ricerca ed Istituzioni preposte alla salvaguardia del territorio e del patrimonio monumentale
Seismic Microzonation of Monumental Areas: Problems and solutions
Palermo Historical Centre: correlations between Vs30 Zonation map and damage scenario of the 6th september 2002 earthquake
Planning and design of underground works in a GIS framework
Pericolosità sismica e risoluzione delle carte del rischio
Heritage safeguard: a GIS application to correlate data concerning vulnerability and geological hazard factors
GeoHeritage-GIS: the web site of Palermo Historic Centre monumental heritage
Analisi di dati di danneggiamento inseriti in un database territoriale: effetti prodotti a Palermo dalla sequenza del settembre 2002
Analisi stratigrafico geotecnica del settore meridionale della città di Palermo finalizzata alla caratterizzazione di fattori di pericolosità sismica in esso presenti
Una analisi della distribuzione del danno prodotto dall'attività sismica del settembre 2002 ha evidenziato la presenza di anomalie nel settore meridionale della città di Palermo, interessato da un edificato recente. In questo lavoro viene effettuata una ricostruzione della geologia di superficie e di sottosuolo in tale settore e, con il supporto di un database stratigrafico-geotecnico, ad elevata densità di dati, vi-sualizzabile e interrogabile su cartografia georeferenziata, vengono definite le zone del settore caratterizzate da una geologia locale favorevole alla generazione di effetti di sito per il verificarsi di una delle seguenti condizioni: a) valore del contrasto di impedenza acusti…
Possibili contributi da dati satellitari DInSAR alla stima degli effetti di sito in area urbana
Fenomeni di instabilità nell'area urbana nissena (Sicilia centrale) correlabili alle proprietà dei terreni localmente presenti
Public works: an important resource to upgrade territorial knowledge
Biostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy and Paleonvironmental Reconstruction of the Palermo Historical Centre Quaternary succession
Marine deposits from the Palermo Plain were historically relevant for the Quaternary Period definition. Here we show lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic data collected on three boreholes in the Palermo historical centre that recovered 36.8, 42.0 and 52.0 metres of sediments overlaying the Numidian Flysch. Marine sedimentary sequences span from the Calabrian Stage (calcareous nannofossil Zone MNN 19d) to the Middle Pleistocene (dominance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids within the MNN 19f Zone) and also include a short Holocene depositional event. Calcareous nannofossil, benthic and planktonic foraminifera assemblages point to a shallow coastal environment, possibly < …
Site effects assessment through historical and instrumental data integration
ABSTRACT This work illustrates the historical data contribution to the analysis of the microtremor survey results carried out in May 2003 in the city of Palermo by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and the Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia – University of Palermo. The microtremor survey has been carried out within the project SESAME (Site EffectS assessment using AMbient Excitations) funded by the European Commission, devoted to test the effectiveness of the seismic noise, and in particular of Nakamura technique, in the site effects assessment. The Nakamura technique singles out zones characterized by a near-surface geology suitable to produce site effects, by exploiting …
La tecnica GIS per la salvaguardia e la conservazione del patrimonio storico-monumentale
Site effects variability in Palermo induced by local geological variability
Monitoring of Termini Imerese Harbour (Sicily, Italy) Using Satellite DInSAR data
Microtremor measurements in Palermo, Italy: a comparison with macroseismic intensity and earthquake ground motion
Microtremor Measurements in the City of Palermo, Italy: Analysis of the Correlation between Local Geology and Damage
Abstract This study presents the results of 90 seismic ambient noise measurements in Palermo, the main city of Sicily (Italy). The dataset has been processed using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVNSR) technique and interpreted in terms of local geology, which is characterized by the presence of alluvial sediments of two riverbeds masked by urbanization since the seventeenth century. HVNSRs show significant variations in the study area: when the transition stiff to soft is crossed, a typical spectral peak appears in the HVNSRs, mostly in the frequency band 1–2 Hz, and exceeding a factor of 3 in amplitude. Using available information on subsurface geological structure, we compute…
A Classification of Palermo Historical Centre Heritage based on the local seismic response
A very high density of monumental heritage falls within Palermo Historical Centre, an area characterized by high variability of near surface geology and soil physical-mechanical properties on a very short distance scale, even few meters. So, neighboring heritage elements can have a totally different hazard exposition. Within a project regarding Palermo area (Project 7T7, Cluster 29, funded by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, Italy) a very reliable high density stratigraphic-geotechnical dataset has been assembled, by means of a careful data reviewing process. This dataset has been stored in a Geographic Information System (GIS) application, named City-GIS, having all GIS functions…