Pietro Arico'
Microbial role in dolomitic crust formation associated to Messinian gypsum, Monte Conca cave, Sicily.
Skarnoid rocks in the high-grade metamorphic terraines of the Larderia area (Messina), Peloritani Mountains
Arc-tholeiite, intraplate alkaline magmatism and skarns in the high-grade metamorphic terraines of the Larderia area (Messina), Peloritani Mountains
Primo contributo sui depositi argillosi a terra rossa dell'Abisso del Vento, Isnello (PA).
Distribution of Lanthanides in Mediterranean Coastal waters
Distribution and behaviour of the whole lanthanide series and yttrium in both seawater column and suspended particulate matter were investigated in coastal water located in the Central Mediterranean Sea. An area characterized by high anthropic pressure, atmospheric fallout and river input due to drainage of little local watersheds was selected. Water masses were discriminated with respect to both surrounding and depth and in relation to the processes occurring at the solid-liquid interface. We found that yttrium and Rare Earth Elements in the labile fraction of the suspended particulates result from the mixing between lithogenic material from the Sicilian basin and detrital material of Saha…
Some unreliable interpretations of statistical chemical correlations in applied earth science and in archaeometry
Contribution to the reconstruction of geological evolution of the metamorphic basement of the Cordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile.
The crystalline pre-Andine basement outcrops only in the Cordillera Darwin (Tierra del Fuego) in the extreme southern part of Andean belt. It is located between the Antarctic, Nazca and Scotia Plate. Cordillera Darwin breaks the long ophiolitic belt constituted by the Sarmiento Complex and Rocas Verdes; many authors agree that the present setting is the result of the Andean orogenesis, that yielded to the closure of a Jurassic marginal basin (now represented by ophiolites) with its overlying sequence of rhyolitic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks, now represented by the Tobifera Formation and metamorphism during Cretaceous (Cunningham, 1995 and references). The studied rocks, sampled by A.D…
From July 13 2001 began the most intense Etna's eruptive activity in the last 300 years. While this phenomenon occurred the oceanographic cruise ANSIC 01 was carrying out. Therefore the unique opportunity is arisen to investigate the chemical effects on marine system of delivery of large amount of pyroclastic particles (about 1 g m-2) into seawater. Comparing collected trace element data with those analysed during the oceanographic cruise JUVENILE 99, carried out two years before, large enrichments in V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu and Pb contents have been recognised and attributed to leaching of freshly-erupted volcanic ash. Further comparison between to-day and previous collected trace element da…
Arc-Tholeiite and intraplate alkaline magmatism in the high-grade metamorphic terraines of the Larderia area (Messina), Peloritani Mountains
The origin of the orthopyroxene megacrysts in the Eocene alkalibasalt of C.da Pietranera (Western Sicily)
Trace elements release from volcanic ashes to seawater. Natural concentrations in Central Mediterranean sea.
Distributions and concentrations of many minor and trace elements in epicontinental basins, as Mediterranean Sea, are mainly driven to atmospheric fallout from surroundings. This mechanism supplies an estimated yearly flux of about 1000 kg km-2 of terrigenous matter of different nature on the whole Mediterranean basin. Dissolution of these materials and processes occurring at solid-liquid interface along the water column drive the distributions of many trace elements as V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Pb with contents ranging from pmol l-1 (Co, Cd, Pb) to nmol l-1 scale in Mediterranean seawater, with some local differences in the basin. The unwinding of an oceanographic cruise in the coastal waters…