G. Pernice
Metronomic therapy irinotecan (IRI) capecitabine (CAP) plus bevacizumab (BEV) in treatment of advanced colorectal cancer (ACRC) in very elderly people.
Background: ACRC is one of most common neoplastic disease in very old pts. The administration of oral fluoropyrimidine (capecitabine-CAP) in a standard schedule of 1,200 mg/sqm twice a day for 14 d shows similar effects to 5-FU continuous infusion (C.I.). Furthermore, CAP- IRI showed super -additive antitumor activity. Recently many study show the safety and efficacy of a "flat dose" administration of CAP particularly in the treatment of elderly people with cancer. Also, the efficacy of BEV is well demonstrated in CRC pts. Aim of the study is to evaluate impact of bevacizumab (BEV) in combination with IRI and XEL in ACRC very old patients. Methods: 42 (20 f-22 m) elderly patients with advan…
Assessing Coastal Sustainability: A Bayesian Approach for Modeling and Estimating a Global Index for Measuring Risk
Integrated Coastal Zone Management is an emerg- ing research area. The aim is to provide a global view of dif- ferent and heterogeneous aspects interacting in a geographical area. Decision Support Systems, integrating Computational Intelligence methods, can be successfully used to estimate use- ful anthropic and environmental indexes. Bayesian Networks have been widely used in the environmental science domain. In this paper a Bayesian model for estimating the Sustainable Coastal Index is presented. The designed Bayesian Network consists of 17 nodes, hierarchically organized in 4 layers. The first layer is initialized with the season and the physiographic region information. In the second la…
Long-term analysis (1863–2002) of environmental change in the Capo Feto area (Mediterranean sea)
The area of Capo Feto represents one of the few remaining salt-marshy zones in Sicily. It lies within a site of importance for the Community (defined as a “sito di importanza comunitaria” (SIC)), which also includes Margi Spanò and Margi Milo. The Capo Feto and Margi Spanò marshlands have also been identified by the Ministry for the Environment as an area deserving special protection (“zona a protezione speciale” (ZPS)). Moreover, in 1999, 150 ha of the Capo Feto area were included in a project for environmental rehabilitation as part of the European Union “Life-Nature 2000” programme (Comitato Tecnico-Scientifico Area di Capo Feto, 1997). Prior to this, the area had become somewhat degrade…