L. Ferranti
Geometry and modeling of an active offshore thrust-related fold system: The Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, southern Italy
On the Ionian Sea coast of southern Italy, spanning the transition from the Calabrian Arc to the Apennines, NE-directed motion of the thin-skinned frontal thrust belt of the Apennines toward the Apulian foreland reportedly ceased during the Early-Middle Pleistocene (PATACCA & SCANDONE, 2007). Deformation since then was dominated by the regional uplift of the Calabrian Arc (WESTAWAY, 1993; CUCCI & CINTI, 1998). However, detailed structural and geomorphologic analysis has revealed that uplift of Middle Pleistocene and younger marine terraces not only ensues from a regional-scale process, but also reflects a smaller-wavelength component of shortening which is attributed to recent, deeper activ…
Estensione e ciclicità di accumuli debritici tardo-pleistocenici nei bacini di Sibari e Corigliano (Mar Ionio): implicazioni per la tettonica recente ed attiva
Corpi sedimentari caratterizzati da facies sismica “trasparente” di notevole spessore (sino a 35 m) sono stati documentati in più livelli della copertura tardo-pleistocenica della Piana Abissale del Mar Ionio ed interpretati come megatorbiditi innescate da megatsunami. Il più recente di questi corpi è stato posto da Autori vari, in relazione ai collassi vulcanici del Santorini o dell’Etna o al sisma distruttivo di Creta del 365 d.C. [Polonia et al., 2013]. Corpi “trasparenti” di notevole spessore (15-30 m) e estensione (> di 100 km2), sono stati segnalati anche nel Mar Ionio nord-occidentale e interpretati come accumuli debritici tardo-pleistocenici-olocenici, presumibilmente sismoindotti […
Pattern and rate of post-20 ka verticaltectonic motion around Capo Vaticanopromontory (W Calabria, Italy) based onoffshore geomorphological indicators
The magnitude and rate of Late Pleistocene – Holocene vertical tectonic movements offshore Capo Vaticano (western Calabria) have been quantified on the basis of the depths of infralittoral prograding wedges (IPWs) and associated abrasion platforms formed during the stillstand of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). These features were identified on high-resolution reflection seismic profiles acquired along the continental shelf and upper slope around the promontory. The pattern of vertical movements of the Capo Vaticano promontory is characterized by a marked asymmetry associated with a NE-directed tilt. Removal of the non tectonic component of vertical changes using an ice-volume equivalent eus…
Architecture of the NYT caldera and inner resurgent dome (Pozzuoli Bay, Campi Flegrei): new insights from seismic reflection and DInSAR data
The Campi Flegrei and its offshore prolongation (Pozzuoli Bay) are a volcanic area dominated by a collapse caldera associated with the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) eruption, occurred at ~15 ka BP, and by an intra-caldera resurgent dome. We present new insights into: a) the geometry and kinematics of faults formed inside and at the edge of the caldera, b) the architecture of the caldera and the resurgent dome, and c) the relationship between the structural elements of the caldera and ground deformation. This work is based on the integration of single- and multi- channel seismic, swath bathymetry data and ground deformation maps. The main results highlight that the NYT caldera, offshore, is c…
An Integrated Multiscale Method for the Characterisation of Active Faults in Offshore Areas. The Case of Sant’Eufemia Gulf (Offshore Calabria, Italy)
Diagnostic morphological features (e.g., rectilinear seafloor scarps) and lateral offsets of the Upper Quaternary deposits are used to infer active faults in offshore areas. Although they deform a significant seafloor region, the active faults are not necessarily capable of producing large earthquakes as they correspond to shallow structures formed in response to local stresses. We present a multiscale approach to reconstruct the structural pattern in offshore areas and distinguish between shallow, non-seismogenic, active faults, and deep blind faults, potentially associated with large seismic moment release. The approach is based on the interpretation of marine seismic reflection data and …
Plio-Quaternary tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Paola fore-arc basin (western Calabria continental margin): Insight from high-resolution seismic reflection data
We reconstructed the most relevant geologic features across the Paola Basin (offshore western Calabria) and its Pliocene to Recent sedimentary and tectonic evolution using a grid of seismic profiles acquired within the frame of the EU-SINBUS project in the 1995. We used seismostratigraphic analysis to outline the seismic units. The Messinian horizon, as well as regional unconformities recognized in the Plio-Pleistocene geological record of the basins developed within or adjacent to the Calabrian Arc, played a key role to assign ages to the sedimentary units. We identified five seismic units on seismic lines, based on the internal configuration and seismic-stratigraphic character of reflecto…
Geodetic, geological and geophysical evidence of active tectonics in south-western Sicily and offshore
tIntegrated geological, geodetic and marine geophysical data provide evidence of active deformation insouth-western Sicily, in an area spatially coincident with the macroseismic zone of the destructive 1968Belice earthquake sequence. Even though the sequence represents the strongest seismic event recordedin Western Sicily in historical times, focal solutions provided by different authors are inconclusive onpossible faulting mechanism, which ranges from thrusting to transpression, and the seismogenic sourceis still undefined. Interferometric (DInSAR) observations reveal a differential ground motion on a SW–NEalignment between Campobello di Mazara and Castelvetrano (CCA), located just west of…
Ampiezza e tassi dei movimenti verticali a Capo Vaticano (Calabria occidentale,Italia) negli ultimi 20 mila anni determinati sulla base di cunei progradanti epiattaforme di abrasione.
Ampiezza e tassi dei movimenti tettonici verticali sono stati quantificati nel settore offshore di Capo Vaticano (Calabria occidentale), nell’intervallo Pleistocene superiore – Olocene, sulla base delle profondità del ciglio dei cunei progradanti infralitorali e delle piattaforme di abrasione formatesi durante l’ultimo massimo glaciale (LGM). I cunei progradanti sono stati riconosciuti in profili sismici a riflessione ad alta risoluzione Sparker. I dati sismici sono stati acquisiti lungo la piattaforma e la scarpata continentale superiore, durante le crociere oceanografiche Marisk 2010 e 2012 organizzate dall’IAMC del CNR di Napoli, il DISTEM dell’Università di Palermo e il Dip. di Scienze …
Morfologia e morfometria del settore ionico del Golfo di Taranto.
Il versante Ionico del Golfo di Taranto è caratterizzato dalla presenza di alti strutturali e bacini che rappresentano l’espressione morfologica di sistemi di faglie pleistoceniche transpressive. La dorsale di Amendolara si estende per 45 Km in direzione N130°E, ed è caratterizzato dalla presenza di tre alti batimetrici minori (denominati Amendolara, Rossano e Cariati). Verso NE, la dorsale di Capo Spulico si estende per 40 Km in direzione !N115°E. Durante la Campagna Oceanografica “Teatioca” sono stati acquisiti 1100Km2 di dati batimetrici multibeam e profili sismici monocanale ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima risoluzione (Subbottom Chirp). L’analisi integrata dei nuovi dati ha consentito di…
Caratteristiche sismostratigrafiche di strutture sedimentarie diagnostiche di correnti di fondo nell'off-shore del Golfo di Taranto
L’analisi integrata di dati multibeam e sismici ad altissima risoluzione (Chirp Sub-Bottom), acquisiti in un settore del Golfo di Taranto (Mare Ionio), ha permesso di identificare e classificare strutture sedimentarie diagnostiche di correnti di fondo (conturiti), formatesi nel tardo Quaternario. La classificazione proposta è basata sia su criteri sismo-stratigrafici che sulla comparazione con strutture analoge documentate da precedenti autori nei bacini oceanici [Faugeres et al., 1999 con rif.]. Nell’area in esame sono stati identificati quattro settori (Alto dell’Amendolara, Bacino di Corigliano, Bacino dell’Amendolara ed Alto di Rossano-Cariati) caratterizzati da morfologia, pendenza e p…
Geodetic and geological evidences of activetectonics in western Sicily (Italy): insights onthe seismogenic source of the 1968 Beliceearthquake sequence.
The night between the January 14th and 15th 1968, a wide area of western Sicily (Italy) was shaken by a strong earthquake, the main shock of a seismic crisis that hit the region until the January 25th. The disastrous event, that is the strongest seismic event recorded in Western Sicily in historical times, caused about 370 deaths and the destruction of many villages facing the Belice river valley, which was the epicentral area for this unexpected natural disaster. The seismic sequence consisted of a main shock with M=5.9 and a series of pre-shock and aftershocks that were clustered along a NE-SW alignment. Focal planes solutions provided by many authors in the last decades show controversia…
Studio morfometrico e statistico degli eventi di frana nel settore marino orientale del Golfo di Taranto
La campagna oceanografica “Teatioca” è il frutto della collaborazione fra l’Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC) di Napoli, l’Università Federico II di Napoli, l’Università di Palermo e Trieste e l’INGV di Roma. Durante tale campagna, effettuata a bordo della N/O Urania del CNR nel 2011, sono stati acquisiti dati batimetrici multibeam ad alta risoluzione ed una fitta maglia di dati sismici ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima (Chirp) risoluzione nell’area ionica del Golfo di Taranto. L’analisi integrata del Modello Digitale del Terreno (10m, 5m e 2m) generato dai dati multibeam con i nuovi dati sismo-stratigrafici ha consentito di analizzare in dettaglio l’instabilità dei versanti. Una …
The land bridge between Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: Timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens
The submerged Sill in the Messina Strait, which is located at a depth of -81 m m.s.l., represents the only possibile connection between Calabria and Sicily during the last lowstand, when the sea level was at about -126 m m.s.l. This multidisciplinary research aim at documenting times and modes the bridge between Calabria and Sicily was emerged, during the last 40 ka BP. The analysis carried out on morphobathymetric, lithological and relative sea level change (both isostatic and tectonic) data allow to hypothesize the continental bridge emerged at least between 21.5 ka and 20 ka cal BP. Moreover, considering erosion processes due to very strong marine currents, it could be emerged for a long…
Active volcano-tectonic deformations: a 3D seismic reflection experiment in the resurgent dome of the NYT Caldera (Pozzuoli Bay, Campi Flegrei, Naples)
An ultra-resolution, 3D seismic reflection data cube was collected during an oceanographic cruise organized in the frame of a joint project involving Italian research institutions, the University of Palermo, Catania and Napoli, CNR of Napoli and INGV Roma, and two companies, the Geo Marine Survey System (The Netherlands) and GeoSurvey (Portugal). The data acquisition approach charted during this cooperation was based on innovative technologies for the offshore imaging of stratigraphy and structures at continental margins with horizontal and vertical resolution at decimetric scale. In this work, we present the methodology used for the 3D HR-seismic reflection data acquisition and the prelimi…
From land to sea: multi-scale and multi-resolution analysis of active deformation and seismogenic sources around the coasts of Southern Italy
During the last decade, we have blended our individual skills to form a research group devoted to investigating active crustal deformation in areas adjacent to the coast of Southern Italy, with the aim to bridge the gap between the onshore and offshore realms. Our research is based on a multi-scale and multi-resolution approach that includes high-resolution seismics, coastal morpho-tectonics and structural geology, complemented by seismicity, Global Positioning System and InSAR. Need and opportunities of such an endeavor arise from the basic observation that, although most population centers lie close to the coastal areas, very little is known about active structures at the sea. However, hi…
Geometria e modellazione di un sistema di retro-scorrimenti attivosulla base di dati di geofisica marina ad alta risoluzione:la Dorsale di Amendolara (Golfo di Taranto).
Nuovi dati sismici ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima (Subbottm Chirp) risoluzione, acquisiti durante la Campagna Oceanografica “Teatioca_2010”, integrati da dati sismici multicanale ad alta penetrazione, pubblici disponibili sul sito www.videpi.com, calibrati con pozzi profondi, batimetrici multifascio e carotaggi, rivelano che la dorsale di Amendolara, estensione sottomarina della zona frontale del sistema a thrust dell’Appennino meridionale, è stata controllata nel Quaternario da un sistema di retro-scorrimenti e faglie transpressive (ATFS) che dislocano verso SW la catena mio-pliocenica NE-vergente. Il pacco di sequenze deposizionali attribuito, sulla base della facies sismica e della prese…