Michele Giuliani

Raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia

L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità considera la salute orale come parte integrante, non solo dello stato di salute generale, ma anche della qualità della vita di ciascun individuo. In tale ottica, in accordo e con il sostegno del mondo professionale e della comunità scientifica di questo settore, le raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia contenute nel presente volume forniscono indicazioni e definiscono standard di intervento per la prevenzione e la cura delle più comuni patologie del cavo orale nonché per l’identificazione di percorsi terapeutici appropriati a supporto degli operatori pubblici e privati. Esse costituiscono, inoltre, uno strumento utile per mantenere alto il liv…

research product

Frequency of young patients with oral leukoplakia (OL) and oral lichen planus (OLP) in a population of Western Sicily

research product

Where do you live? North versus Central-South differences in relation to Italian patients with oral lichen planus: a cross-sectional study from the SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine)

Abstract Background Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an immune-mediated inflammatory chronic disease of the oral mucosa, with different patterns of clinical manifestations which range from keratotic manifestations (K-OLP) to predominantly non-keratotic lesions (nK-OLP). The aim of the study was to analyze the differences in the clinical, psychological profile and symptoms between Italian patients of the North and Central-South with K-OLP and nK-OLP. Methods 270 K-OLP and 270 nK-OLP patients were recruited in 15 Italian universities. The Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Total Pain Rating Index (T-PRI), Hamilton Rating Scales for Depression and for Anxiety (HAM-D and HAM-A), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality In…

research product

Application of Ozone Therapy in the Conservative Surgical Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Preliminary Results

The main goals of the management of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) are to slow the progressionof the disease and, when it is achievable, to remove all the necrotic bone promoting the tissues’healing [...]

research product

Human papillomavirus: Its identikit and controversial role in oral oncogenesis, premalignant and malignant lesions (Review)

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a group of host-specific DNA viruses, with a remarkable epithelial cell specificity: they have been reported principally in the ano-genital tract, urethra, skin, larynx, tracheo-bronchial and oral mucosa. More than 100 different HPV types have been identified and classified as high (e.g. 16, 18, 31) or low (e.g. 11, 42, 36) -risk (HR and LR), based on their association with cervical carcinoma. The carcinogenic role of HR-HPV revolves mainly around two of its oncoproteins: HPV-E6 which promotes degradation of the p53 tumour suppressor gene product and HPV-E7 which modifies the pRb tumour suppressor gene product, inhibiting the activity of TGF-beta2. Since th…

research product

Odontoiatria di genere: la condizione femminile nella pratica odontoiatrica

Obiettivi: scopo del presente studio è quello di esaminare la condizione femminile in relazione alla professione odontoiatrica, quelle condizioni patologiche orali che possono colpire in particolare il sesso femminile e i trattamenti relativi. Materiali e metodi: oltre alla propria esperienza e al contributo personale, sono state effettuate ricerche sui motori di ricerca scientifica PubMed, Embase e Scopus. Risultati e conclusioni: è stata esaminata la figura della odontoiatra donna e la sua collocazione nell'ambito professionale, nonché le sue caratteristiche lavorative sia in relazione ai pazienti sia in relazione alla propria famiglia. Sono state analizzate poi le più comuni condizioni p…

research product

Langerhans’s cell histiocytosis in old subjects: two rare case reports and review of the literature

doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2358.2012.00629.x Langerhans’s cell histiocytosis in old subjects: two rare case reports and review of the literature Background:  Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a proliferative disease of histiocyte-like cells that generally affects children; LCH onset is rare in adults; immunohistochemistry is essential to obtain the correct diagnosis, and treatment protocols are controversial. Objective:  To describe two new cases of adult onset oral LCH. Case reports:  Case 1: a 71-year-old woman, complaining of diffuse oral pain, presented with erythematous mucosal lesions; the panoramic radiograph and CT scan showed multiple mandible radiolucent areas. Immunohistochemical a…

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