Katia Fabbricatti

Laboratori di Collaborative Knowledge: sperimentazioni itineranti per il Recupero e la Manutenzione dell’ambiente costruito

The architectural recovery design, which has always been qualified by a wide involvement of experts in the information-decision process, is characterized by recent experiences in the promotion of collaborative knowledge management tools, based on the cooperation between Researchers, Entrepreneurship, Public Administrations, NGOs and Citizens. These tools start from a critical reformulation of territorial intervention strategies, in line with the new roles of the local community towards objectives of resilience and sustainability. The paper presents the Collaborative Knowledge Laboratories experience promoted by the SITdA Cluster Recovery and Maintenance of the Built Environment, with a spec…

research product

Report WS6: Immigration and new inhabitants in the Gateway Cities

It is in the last years that the planning discipline has fully recognized immigration issues as decisive for their role both in the urban studies and in the policy design. Nowadays, in Italy and Europe, the shifting social composition of the cities asks the planner for new cognitive instruments and new strategies for the interventions on urban systems. The present report resumes the results of the workshop “Immigration and new inhabitants in the gateway cities” which took place inside the IX Biennial of Towns and Town Planners of Europe, held in Genoa in September 2011. In the two days of debate, a number of Italian and European examples has been presented: the report underlines three issue…

research product