Francisco Javier Chorro Gascó

Analysis of spatial and temporal evolution of regularity maps during ventricular fibrillation

The analysis of cardiac mapping allows investigating the structure of ventricular fibrillation (VF). This work analyzes regions of interest (ROI) on cardiac maps obtained from the regularity analysis of VF records, providing information about signal regularity at each time instant and its spatial distribution. Cardiac registers were obtained using a 240- electrodes matrix located on left ventricle of isolated rabbit heart. A Langendorff system was used to maintain the heart perfusion. VF was induced by increased frequencies. Two groups of records were considered: control (G1: without physical training, N=10), and trained (G2, N=9). Records were processed in consecutive 4-second segments. Re…

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[Evolution and scientific impact of research grants from the spanish society of cardiology and spanish heart foundation (2000-2006)].

Abstract Introduction and objectives The Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia (Spanish Society of Cardiology) every year awards grants to finance research in the field of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study is to identify the impact of these investments during the period 2000-2006 from the subsequently published articles in scientific journals. Methods Using the identifying data of each project as search terms, all articles that resulted from these grants were located in the Spanish Indice Medico Espanol and Indice Bibliografico Espanol en Ciencias de la Salud databases, and in Science Citation Index-Expanded and Scopus. Descriptive statistical analysis of these articles included typ…

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Modifications on regularity and spectrum of ventricular fibrillation signal induced by physical training

The objective of this work is to study the modifications on cardiac response during ventricular fibrillation (VF) induced by physical training. The analysis was performed in the frequency domain of VF, and the regularity of the signal was also considered. Two sets of records were acquired: control (G1: without physical training, N=10), and trained (G2, N=9). Cardiac registers were obtained using a 240-electrodes matrix located on left ventricle of isolated rabbit heart. A Langendorff system was used to maintain the heart perfusion. VF was induced by increased frequencies. To analyze the time course of VF, records were processed in 4-second segments. For every segment and channel, Welch peri…

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Análisis tiempo-frecuencia de mapas de activación cardíaca en fibrilación ventricular

El análisis de mapas de activación permite investigar la estructura de la fibrilación ventricular cardíaca (FV). El presente trabajo plantea una revisión de la utilización de objetos de interés (blobs), usados en procesado de imágenes y aplicados también a mapas de activación cerebral y cardíaca, mediante su generación a partir de representaciones tiempo-frecuencia de registros FV. Su estudio proporciona información sobre qué frecuencias de la señal están presentes en un instante dado, así como su distribución espacial. También permiten determinar el momento en que una determinada frecuencia aparece y desaparece de cada electrodo, por lo que constituye una herramienta interesante para anali…

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Relación entre el espectro y la regularidad en la señal de fibrilación ventricular modificada por el ejercicio físico

El presente trabajo estudia las modificaciones intrínsecas que el ejercicio físico produce en la respuesta cardíaca durante la FV. Se han calculado dos parámetros relacionados con el espectro de la señal (FD: frecuencia dominante, y EN: energía normalizada), y otro relacionado con la regularidad de las OAL (IR: índice de regularidad), Se ha realizado un análisis de correlación entre los tres parámetros para valorar su grado de complementariedad. Se consideraron dos grupos de conejos: control (G1: sin entrenamiento, N=10) y entrenados (G2, N=9). Se utilizó un electrodo matricial de 240 canales localizado en ventrículo izquierdo de corazón aislado de conejo perfundido mediante un sistema de L…

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Alteration of Ventricular Fibrillation by Flecainide, Verapamil, and Sotalol

Background—The purpose of this study was to determine whether the myocardial electrophysiological properties are useful for predicting changes in the ventricular fibrillatory pattern. Methods and Results—Thirty-two Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts were used to record ventricular fibrillatory activity with an epicardial multiple electrode. Under control conditions and after flecainide, verapamil, or d,l-sotalol, the dominant frequency (FrD), type of activation maps, conduction velocity, functional refractory period, and wavelength (WL) of excitation were determined during ventricular fibrillation (VF). Flecainide (1.9±0.3 versus 2.4±0.6 cm, P<0.05) and sotalol (2.1±0.3 versus 2.5±0.5 cm, P…

research product

Análisis de regularidad en fibrilación ventricular: aplicación a registros de mapeado cardíaco

Las técnicas utilizadas en el análisis de la señal de fibrilación ventricular (FV), obtenida mediante sistemas de mapeado utilizando matrices de electrodos, extraen información del proceso a partir de parámetros calculados principalmente en el dominio del tiempo o de la frecuencia. El presente trabajo plantea la aplicación del índice de regularidad (IR), propuesto inicialmente para caracterizar la fibrilación auricular humana, a la señal de FV en un modelo experimental de corazón animal. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el IR permite extraer información de los mapas de FV no disponible de forma directa cuando se estudian mediante los métodos clásicos en el tiempo o la frecuencia, cuant…

research product

Hypoplasia of the posterior mitral valve leaflet: Don't forget to look beyond the mitral valve.

Hypoplasia of the posterior mitral valve leaflet (PMVL) is a very rare finding in adulthood and can coexist with other congenital heart defects. In this image, a transesophageal echocardiography (TOE) carried out on a 59-year-old woman with a 2-month history of dyspnea revealed a hypoplastic PMVL causing severe mitral regurgitation associated with a secundum-type atrial septal defect (ASD) with left-to-right shunting. This case demonstrates how essential 3-dimensional TOE is for a comprehensive assessment of the mitral valve and to improve the diagnostic accuracy of concomitant congenital heart abnormalities.

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Evolución y repercusión científica de las becas de investigación de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología y la Fundación Española del Corazón (2000-2006)

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia convoca anualmente becas para financiar proyectos de investigacion en el campo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Nuestro objetivo es identificar la repercusion de estas inversiones durante el periodo 2000-2006 a partir de los articulos derivados de las becas y publicados en revistas cientificas. Metodos Utilizando los datos de identificacion de cada proyecto como terminos de busqueda, se recuperaron todos los articulos derivados de estas becas en las bases de datos del Indice Medico Espanol, el Indice Bibliografico Espanol en Ciencias de la Salud, el Science Citation Index-Expanded y Scopus. Los articulos se sometieron…

research product

Smoking in hospitalized patients. A great opportunity

The objective of this study is to describe the characteristics of smokers admitted to different medical and surgical services in a university hospital and the perception of patients regarding the need for a specialized intervention. The sample comprises a total of 307 patients (mean age of 59.4 years), being 40% (n = 123) non-smokers, 42.7% (n = 131) ex-smokers, and 17.3% (n = 53) smokers. The average consumption of smokers was 22.2 cigarettes / day and the severity of nicotine dependence evaluated with the Fagerstrom test exceeded 5 points in more than half of the sample. On the other hand, 77.7% had made at least one previous attempt to quit tobacco use. Almost the entire sample (89.9 %) …

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