Joan Pedrola
Primeros datos sobre la presencia de Zonitoites arboreus (Say, 1816) (Gastropoda, Gastrodontidae) en la Peninsula Ibérica.
Zonitoides arboreus es un gastrodóntido de origen norteamericano que ha sido introducido por los humanos al resto de los continentes, principalmente a través del comercio de plantas. En Europa se conoce de 14 países y de las islas Azores, Madeira, Baleares, Cerdeña y Sicilia. La población de esta especie exótica hallada por los autores en España corresponde a la primera conocida para la Península Ibérica, y para su confirmación se han realizado estudios morfo-anatómicos, tanto de la concha como del aparato reproductor.
Geographical patterns of genetic variation in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) in the Mediterranean basin
Climate changes during the Quaternary had important effects on the evolution of European plant species. The distribution of genetic variability in rosemary, a strictly Mediterranean species of reputed Plio-Quaternary origin for which the diversification centre is hypothesized to be located in the western part of the Mediterranean basin, was investigated across the species range by using plastid microsatellites (plastid simple sequence repeat (cpSSR)) markers. Seven out of the 17 primer pairs screened were polymorphic, with up to four alleles, yielding a total of 17 size variants combined into ten haplotypes. A permutation test to investigate for geographical structure showed no significant …