Physical activity in and out-of-school and academic performance in Spain
Background: Academic performance in school stems from an interaction of factors associated with students, families and schools. Among these factors, physical activity could play a very relevant role. Objective: The goal of this study was to determine whether students’ physical activities in and outside school were related to their academic performance. Design, setting and method: We used the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 database for Spain using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models to answer our research questions. Results: Results suggest a positive association between the number of days per week doing moderate physical activities and academic perform…
The impact of economic and policy uncertainty shocks in Spain
The purpose of this research is to quantify the impact of economic uncertainty shocks in Spain by using a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) approach with data from the first quarter of 2001 u...
The effects of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality in the U.S. Exploring different channels
We assess the effects of monetary policy shocks on income and wealth inequality through direct inequality measures and by analyzing several transmission channels explored in recent literature. Furthermore, we analyze two additional channels: the Housing and the Fiscal channels. The methodology adopted is a Bayesian proxy SVAR using a high-frequency identification based on the external instruments approach. Our own policy shocks are constructed for this purpose. The results show that an expansionary monetary policy shock does not have a significant effect on income inequality due to the existence of opposite channels, whereas it increases wealth inequality mainly through the portfolio channe…
Rethinking Monetary Policy in the Framework of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development places equality and sustainability at the centre of policy agendas. Nowadays, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth is a central priority of public policy for most governments worldwide. Based on the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of inclusive growth and sustainable growth, we focus on monetary policy as a powerful macroeconomic policy tool connected with distributional and environmental issues. We deal with how high levels in income and wealth inequality, on the one hand, and shocks related to environmental degradation and climate change, on the other hand, it might have substantial implications for the conduct…
Monetary policy and the redistribution of net worth in the U.S
The view that expansionary monetary policy can exacerbate both income and wealth inequality by increasing asset prices has become increasingly popular. The aim of this paper is to study the distributive effects of monetary policy on wealth inequality. In the first part of this research, we develop a simple framework based on accounting identity to examine the redistributive repercussions of changes in monetary policy on net worth through different channels. Based on this framework, in the second part of the paper, we show empirical evidence concerning the effects of monetary policy on wealth inequality in the US. To derive this, we combined macro and micro data, and proceeded in two steps. …
Effects of unconventional monetary policy on income and wealth distribution: Evidence from United States and Eurozone
As an answer to the “Great Recession” and Zero Lower Bound problem, main central banks had to use unconventional monetary policy (UMP). This research focuses on the distributive effects of these measures on household income and household wealth in the United States of America (USA) and the Eurozone. For this purpose, this paper presents four models that were constructed using the Structural Vector Autoregressive methodology (SVAR). The results suggest that the UMPs applied by the Federal Reserve (FED) in the USA could increase wealth and income inequality through the portfolio channel. However, the same results were not observed in the Eurozone. Key words: United States of America, Eurozone…
Política monetaria en tiempos de pandemia: evaluación y propuesta del Helicóptero Monetario
La pandemia del Covid-19 ha provocado una de las crisis más importantes desde la Gran Depresión. Ante esto, es necesaria una mayor coordinación entre la política monetaria y las políticas fiscales. En este artículo, se ha analizado el Helicóptero Monetario como posible respuesta a la crisis y como complemento a las medidas adoptadas. Tras presentar evidencia histórica de los efectos del Helicóptero Monetario, examinar los distintos ejemplos propuestos en la literatura, y evaluar sus fortalezas y debilidades, se ha articulado una propuesta para la eurozona a través del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) en coordinación con el grupo del Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI)