Vicente Botti
Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Sustainability: The PAAMS Collection
This volume presents the papers that have been accepted for the 2015 special sessions of the 13th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, held at University of Salamanca, Spain, at 3rd-5th June, 2015: Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets (ABAM); Agents and Mobile Devices (AM); Multi-Agent Systems and Ambient Intelligence (MASMAI); Web Mining and Recommender systems (WebMiRes); Learning, Agents and Formal Languages (LAFLang); Agent-based Modeling of Sustainable Behavior and Green Economies (AMSBGE); Emotional Software Agents (SSESA) and Intelligent Educational Systems (SSIES). The volume also includes the paper accepted for the Doctoral Conso…
Psychological Influence of Double-Bind Situations in Human-Agent Interaction
This paper presents a new approach to integrate artificial intelligence in virtual environments. The system presented deals in a separated way the visualization and intelligence modules, applying in this last case a distributed approach (multi-agent systems) so that scalable applications may be built. Therefore, it is necessary to define agent architectures that allow agents to be integrated in the VW. Thus, a designer is abstracted from the peculiarities of interacting with a virtual environment. There is a first prototype of the framework using JADE as the supporting multi-agent systems platform.
A formal model based on Game Theory for the analysis of cooperation in distributed service discovery
New systems can be designed, developed, and managed as societies of agents that interact with each other by offering and providing services. These systems can be viewed as complex networks where nodes are bounded rational agents. In order to deal with complex goals, they require cooperation of the other agents to be able to locate the required services. The aim of this paper is formally and empirically analyze under which circumstances cooperation emerges in decentralized search of services. We propose a repeated game model that formalizes the interactions among agents in a search process where agents are free to choose between cooperate or not in the process. Agents make decisions based on…
Analysing Incentive Strategies to Promote Participation in Crowdsourcing Systems
In this paper, we define two strategies for crowdsourcing systems to encourage users to participate at a cost that is close to the optimal cost for the system. In the scenario considered, the system has temporal constraints and potential participants have dynamic behaviors related to the expected rewards (i.e., users’ expected rewards in exchange of their contributions change over time). We propose and evaluate two types of strategies that promote participation of users through monetary rewards that can change as time passes in order to adapt them to the population dynamic behaviors.
Building emotional agents for strategic decision making
Experimental economics has many works that demonstrate the influence of emotions and affective issues on the process of human strategic decision making. Personality, emotions and mood produce biases on what would be considered the strategic solution (Nash equilibrium) to many games. %CAMBIO% Thus considering these issues on simulations of human behavior may produce results more aligned with real situations. We think that computational agents are a suitable %CAMBIO% technology to simulate such phenomena. We propose to use O3A, an Open Affective Agent Architecture to model rational and affective agents, in order to perform simulations where agents must take decisions as close as possible to h…