Pierre-yves Collin

Settlement down again patterns of a carbonated platform following up a sedimentary crisis : example of the middle-late Jurassic boundary in the southeastern part of the Paris Basin

Abstract Following a sedimentary crisis which begins in the late Lower Callovian and spans all the early Oxfordian, the settlement down patterns of a platform with carbonated sedimentation are analysed in a southeastern area of the Paris Basin (fig. 1). Ten lithostratigraphic units (reefal formations, associated bioclastic facies and marly distal lateral facies ; fig. 2) are defined (fig. 3). New ammonite and brachiopod faunas, collected in situ, allow to date accurately the sedimentary units with a precision matching an ammonite subzone of the standard bio-chronostratigraphic scale (fig. 4) of the middle-late Oxfordian (from the Parandieri Subzone, at the base of the Transversarium Zone, t…

research product


In the study of Earth-surface environmental processes during the events associated with the Permian–Triassic boundary, a key issue is the nature of the latest Permian pre-extinction surface in shallow marine limestones in numerous sites, principally within the Tethyan realm. Sediments below this surface pre-date the extinction event, so that the limestones comprising these latest Permian facies contain diverse fossil remains of organisms that lived just before the extinction. At all reported sites, this surface is disconformably overlain by post-extinction sediments, which contain microbialites in many places, particularly in Tethys. The nature of the youngest pre-extinction surface remains…

research product

Detailed record of the mid-Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) positive carbon-isotope excursion in two hemipelagic sections (France and Switzerland): A plate tectonic trigger?

14 pages; International audience; The Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) was a time of widespread change in Jurassic marine (carbonate) sedimentation patterns. A marked positive excursion in δ13C is dated as Middle Oxfordian in age. In this study we investigate if changes in carbonate sedimentation coincided with altered carbon cycling and climate. We use C-isotope records as a proxy for the evolution of the carbon cycle and compare δ13C-trends with the evolution of sedimentation in a segment of the opening Tethys seaway. One of the studied sections is located in the Subalpine basin of France (Trescléoux and Oze), the other in the Swiss Jura mountains (Liesberg). Carbon-isotope stratigraphy of carbo…

research product

Microbialites and global environmental change across the Permian-Triassic boundary: a synthesis

Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are thin (0.05-15 m) carbonates formed after the end-Permian mass extinction. They comprise Renalcis-group calcimicrobes, microbially mediated micrite, presumed inorganic micrite, calcite cement (some may be microbially influenced) and shelly faunas. PTBMs are abundant in low-latitude shallow-marine carbonate shelves in central Tethyan continents but are rare in higher latitudes, likely inhibited by clastic supply on Pangaea margins. PTBMs occupied broadly similar environments to Late Permian reefs in Tethys, but extended into deeper waters. Late Permian reefs are also rich in microbes (and cements), so post-extinction seawater carbonate satur…

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Taphonomic sequences—A new tool for sequence stratigraphy

The Middle-Upper Jurassic boundary in western Europe is characterized by extensive condensed sections containing authigenic minerals together with abundant and varied fossils, both reworked and not reworked. We have analyzed ammonite shells and chronologically ordered taphonomic events in a taphonomic sequence extending from the time the dead organism settled on the seafloor to the time it became permanently incorporated in the sediment. Three types of taphonomic sequence are recognized; they are characteristic of (1) sedimentation in depositional environments having little and only occasional hydrodynamic activity (coinciding with periods of increasing accommodation), (2) sedimentation dur…

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Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch forcing of the Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) Terres Noires Formation (SE France) and global implications

ABSTRACT High‐resolution analysis (2277 samples) of magnetic susceptibility (MS) was performed on ∼700‐m‐thick Early–Middle Oxfordian marine marls of the Terres Noires Formation, SE France. MS variations within these sediments record sub‐Milankovitch to Milankovitch frequencies with long‐term eccentricity (405 kyr and ∼2 Myr) being the most prominent. The 405 kyr cycle was used as a high‐resolution geochronometer for astronomical calibration of this poorly constrained interval of Late Jurassic time. The estimated duration of this Early–Middle Oxfordian interval concurs with the current International Geologic Time Scale GTS2004 (∼4 Myr), but the estimated durations of the corresponding ammon…

research product

Coupures morphologiques et biochronologie chez les Kosmoceratinae de l'Est de la France (Callovien inférieur pp. à Callovien supérieur pp.)

Abstract For the first time in eastern France, a detailed succession of the uppermost Lower Callovian to Lower Upper Callovian Kosmoceratinae is presented, according to the fossils collected in situ at Blye (Jura, France). It is compared with the abundant data from Champagne and Bourgogne. These ammonites may allow more accurate correlations between the subboreal and subtethysian biostratigraphical frameworks. They record numerous morphological changes, sometimes different from those generally accepted. They allow the precise recognition of the limits of the biostratigraphical units, and the definition of successive faunal units available in the lowermost Upper Callovian.

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In the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction: the microbialite refuge?

7 pages; International audience; We present the first study of micro-crustaceans (ostracods) associated with microbial crusts in the aftermath of the most devastating extinction, the end-Permian extinction (EPE). These post-extinction microbialites dominated shallow shelf marine environments and were traditionally considered as devoid of any associated fauna. We present a micro-palaeontological analysis of a large record from microbial and non-microbial settings following the EPE. This dataset documents the proliferation of ostracods strictly associated with microbialites. Based on the diet of extant ostracods and uniformitarianism, we propose that the abundant microbes in the mats served a…

research product

Influence of microporosity distribution on the mechanical behavior of oolithic carbonate rocks.

Abstract The mechanical behavior of oolithic carbonate rocks was investigated for selected rocks with two different microstructural attributes: uniform (UP) and rimmed (RP) distribution of microporosity within ooids. These oolithic carbonate rocks are from the Oolithe Blanche formation, a deep saline aquifer in the Paris Basin, and a possible target for CO2 sequestration and geothermal production. Samples of similar physical properties (porosity, grain diameter, cement content) but different microporosity textures were deformed under triaxial configuration, in water saturated conditions, at 28 MPa of confining pressure, 5 MPa of pore pressure and at a temperature of 55 °C. During the experi…

research product

Depositional environments and iron ooid formation in condensed sections (Callovian Oxfordian, South-eastern part of the Paris basin, France)

Carbonate platforms across Western Europe were superseded at the Middle–Upper Jurassic (Callovian–Oxfordian) boundary either by alternating marl–limestone and widespread marl deposits or by condensed sections containing iron ooids. The characteristics of marine condensed sections in the south-eastern part of the Paris Basin (France) and their distribution pattern are examined here, and a model of iron ooid formation is developed. Iron ooids are found from the shoreface to the offshore zone. They are most abundant in the median-to-distal offshore transition zone, where they originally formed. They also occur commonly, albeit often as reworked grains, in the proximal offshore zone, to which t…

research product

Integrated stratigraphy of the Oxfordian global stratotype section and point (GSSP) candidate in the Subalpine Basin (SE France).

44 pages; International audience; An integrated biostratigraphic approach, based on ammonites, calcareous nannofossils, dinoflagellates, combined with sedimentology, carbon-isotope and physical stratigraphy, is proposed for the Subalpine Basin (Thuoux and Saint-Pierre d'Argençon sections). Within the expanded marl deposits of the Terres Noires Fm., the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary is particularly well defined by ammonite taxa from different families (i.e. Cardioceratidae, Oppeliidae, Aspidoceratidae and Perisphinctidae), calcareous nannoplankton (first occurrence of large-sized Stephanolithion bigotii) and dinoflagellate cysts (first occurrence of Wanaea fimbriata). This precise biostratigr…

research product

Pore fabric geometry inferred from magnetic and acoustic anisotropies in rocks with various mineralogy, permeability and porosity.

14 pages; International audience; he ferrofluid impregnation technique combined with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements (AMSff) is one of the ways to analyze the 3-D geometry of the pore space in a rock and indirectly to infer the anisotropy of permeability. We applied this method on different types of rocks (sandstones and carbonates) with a range of different porosity values (10-30%) and permeability (1 mD to 1 D). To get additional information on both the pore aspect ratio and the directional anisotropy we used another technique, measuring the anisotropy of P-waves velocity (APV) in dry and water saturated conditions. Comparing between both methods shows that despite the …

research product

Séries condensées et indice de préservation d'unité biostratigraphique: exemple de l'ennoiement de la plate-forme nord-bourguignonne (France) au Callovo-Oxfordien

Abstract Several depositional environments associated with Callovian-Oxfordian condensed series of the southeast of the Paris Basin are defined. As sedimentation rates were very low, variations in palaeodepth, which were synchronous at regional scale, were taken to directly reflect fluctuations in accommodation potential. Within a major trend toward increased accommodation potential, five sharp upturns and one sharp downturn are detected. A biostratigraphic unit preservation index is denned to quantify and discuss the low preservation of sediments in these condensed series. This index is seen to vary with accommodation potential.

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Synthesis of recent stratigraphic data on bathonian to oxfordian deposits of the eastern Paris basin

International audience

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MOOC : "Open Wine University 2"

Plan du cours Semaine 1 : Introduction Entre sol et climat Micro-organismes du vin Premiers pas en dégustation + support sur la vinification des vins blancs et des vins rouges Semaine 2 : Le vin en danger ? Climat et viticulture Principales maladies et ravageurs de la vigne Economie mondiale du vin après la crise du phylloxéra Semaine 3 : Façonner le vin Géologie et sols des terroirs bourguignons Vin et diversité microbienne Marchés du vin Semaine 4 : Maîtriser son terroir Construction du terroir de la vigne Vinification des vins spéciaux : l'exemple de la production de vins jaunes du Jura Défauts du vin Semaine 5 : Mettre le vin à table Mise en bouteille du vin Vieillissement du vin Le vin…

research product

Ocean Acidification and the End-Permian Mass Extinction: To What Extent does Evidence Support Hypothesis?

International audience; Ocean acidification in modern oceans is linked to rapid increase in atmospheric CO 2 , raising concern about marine diversity, food security and ecosystem services. Proxy evidence for acidification during past crises may help predict future change, but three issues limit confidence of comparisons between modern and ancient ocean acidification, illustrated from the end-Permian extinction, 252 million years ago: (1) problems with evidence for ocean acidification preserved in sedimentary rocks, where proposed marine dissolution surfaces may be subaerial. Sedimentary evidence that the extinction was partly due to ocean acidification is therefore inconclusive; (2) Fossils…

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Le Sinémurien de la région de Semur-en-Auxois (Jurassique inférieur, Sud-Est du bassin de Paris, France), localité type historique de l’étage Sinémurien de d’Orbigny.

research product

Impact of sedimentology and diagenesis on the petrophysical properties of a tight oolitic carbonate reservoir. The case of the Oolithe Blanche Formation (Bathonian, Paris Basin, France).

18 pages; International audience; The Oolithe Blanche Formation was studied in three quarries, located at the south-eastern edge of the Paris Basin (France). Heterogeneities in reservoir properties were assessed through a sedimentological, diagenetic and petrophysical study. The relationships between depositional settings, diagenesis and petrophysical properties were analysed using detailed petrographic studies, image analysis, Nano CTscans and petrophysical measurements. The carbonate reservoir pore network is mainly controlled by intraparticle microporosity which ensures the connectivity with interparticle meso- and macroporosity. Early cementation vs. early compaction processes (mainly g…

research product

Stratigraphie séquentielle et architecture sédimentaire haute résolution de l'Oolithe Blanche du Bassin Parisien

La formation carbonatée de l'Oolithe Blanche (Bathonien) du Bassin de Paris est, avec le Trias, un aquifère salin profond majeur qui présente un potentiel réservoir important et reconnu, notamment via l'exploitation géothermique ou les grands projets de recherche dans le domaine du stockage géologique du CO2. Elle a été largement étudiée d'un point de vue sédimentologique et stratigraphique en particulier sur les affleurements de Bourgogne (Floquet et al., 1989 ; Garcia et Sambet, 1994 ; Gaumet et al., 1996 ; Gaumet, 1997). Ces études ont permis de définir un profil de dépôt de type rampe carbonatée qui varie entre une rampe ouverte et une rampe barrée, permettant le développement d'un doma…

research product

Integrated stratigraphy of the potential candidate Oxfordian GSSP at Thuoux and Saint-Pierre d'Argençon (France).

5 pages; International audience; The Thuoux and Saint-Pierre d'Argençon sections (Subalpine Basin, southeastern France) are proposed as a potential GSSP candidate for the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary. Several aspects of stratigraphy that have recently been applied in the two selected sections are discussed, including ammonite and nannofossil biostratigraphy, palynology, physical stratigraphy, and cyclostratigraphy.

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