Annelore Altendorf-hofmann
Multizentrische Analyse zur Differenzierung der N-Kategorie beim Kolonkarzinom
Hintergrund: In den Leitlinien fur das Kolonkarzinom wird fur Patienten im UICC-Sta-dium III (pN1 oder pN2, Mo) eine adjuvante Chemotherapie empfohlen.
Employment pathways and work-related issues in head and neck cancer survivors
Background In this exploratory study, employment and psychological factors were investigated in head and neck cancer survivors with survivorship of ≥2 years. Methods Fifty-five head and neck cancer survivors ≤60 years old completed a survey including subscales from the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) instrument, the Miller Behavioral Style Scale, the General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and the Hornheider–Fragebogen short version (HFB) measuring the need for psychological interventions. Exploratory analyses of associations to the employment status were performed. Results The rate of employed patients dropped from three-fourths of …