Observations on a new species of Unicapsula (Myxosporida) in the fish Maena smaris (L.) by conventional and electronmicroscopy
A myxosporidian parasite believed to be congeneric with Unicapsula muscularis Davis (1924), type (and only) species of this genus, was found in the dorsal muscles of the fish Maena smaris (L.) at Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. The spores were tripartite, with corresponding components of the three parts differentially developed. One part consisted of a small shell valve overlying no more than a trace of sporoplasm but covering a polar apparatus with well-developed polar capsule. Each of the other two parts consisted of a long shell valve covering a large sporoplasm and a polar apparatus with only the rudiment of a polar capsule. Electron microscope pictures of the trophozoite showed evidence of pi…