Ulf Liebe
Zahlungsbereitschaft für kollektive Umweltgüter / Willingness to Pay for Collective Environmental Goods
Zusammenfassung Um kollektive (Umwelt-)Güter zu bewerten, verwenden Ökonomen seit nunmehr etlichen Jahren Auskünfte zur Zahlungsbereitschaft, die in Umfragen erhoben werden. Die Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse hat sich zu einem wichtigen Forschungsfeld entwickelt, dessen Ergebnisse zum Teil in politische und juristische Entscheidungen einfließen. Der vorliegende Artikel fordert die Soziologie auf, sich in dieses Forschungsfeld einzumischen. Konkret wird am Beispiel der monetären Bewertung biologischer Vielfalt im Wald gezeigt, dass die Soziologie mit ihrem Fundus an Handlungstheorien Erklärungsschwächen der herkömmlichen ökonomischen Theorie überwinden kann. Auf der Grundlage einer empirischen…
The social acceptance of airport expansion scenarios: A factorial survey experiment
Abstract Against the background of growing aviation and protests against air traffic in many countries, we employ a factorial survey experiment to examine the social acceptance of airport expansion scenarios in two European cities located near the international airports of Frankfurt (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland), respectively. In our experiment, respondents evaluated short descriptions of airport expansion scenarios that varied in several impact attributes. The experiment helps to disentangle to what extent environmental impacts (aircraft noise), economic impacts (job creation), participatory justice aspects (participation opportunities), and distributive justice aspects (noise distrib…
Rational Choice Theory and the Environment: Variants, Applications, and New Trends
Rational choice theory (RCT) is a research paradigm based on methodological individualism. Collective phenomena are explained by assumptions about the behavior of (subjectively) rational individual or corporate actors. In environmental research, RCT is used to predict ecological perceptions, attitudes and behavior on the micro level, and to shed light on environmental outcomes on the macro level. The most fundamental insight from RCT is that environmental problems are often the result of a social dilemma, that is, individuals’ purposive action leads to unintended negative collective consequences. This chapter addresses variants of RCT including game theory, shows applications in the field o…
Protest beliefs in contingent valuation: Explaining their motivation
Abstract The definition and treatment of protest responses in contingent valuation (CV) can have a significant influence on the estimated values of the good in question if these responses are censored. In order to understand how protest responses are motivated, in a CV about forest biodiversity in Germany we used an item battery to identify respondents' protest beliefs. The items were measured for all respondents, irrespective of their willingness to pay (WTP) in principle. Then, a scale based on these beliefs is taken as a dependent variable of regression analyses. In addition to environmental concern we used norms, the warm glow of giving and dilemma concern as further explanatory variabl…
To Pay or Not to Pay: Competing Theories to Explain Individuals’ Willingness to Pay for Public Environmental Goods
Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich. This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively. Several theories have been proposed in an attempt to explain individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP) for public environmental goods. While most studies only take into account a single theory, this article discusses competing theories. These include, in addition to a basic economic model, the theory of public goods, Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, and Schwartz’s norm-activation…
Formelle versus informelle Problemlösung in wirtschaftlichen Transaktionen: Erklärungsdeterminanten zwischen „legal centralism“ und „legal peripheralism“ / Formal versus Informal Problem Resolution in Economic Transactions: Explanations between “Legal Centralism” and “Legal Peripheralism”
Zusammenfassung Der Artikel untersucht die Problemlösung in wirtschaftlichen Transaktionen im Spannungsfeld zweier theoretischer Pole. Zwischen der Perspektive, dass die Problembewältigung überwiegend an Rechtsnormen gebunden ist (legal centralism), und der Sichtweise bevorzugt dezentralisierter Lösungsprozesse (legal peripheralism) werden Determinanten zur Erklärung der Art der Problemlösung herausgearbeitet. Die Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen eine Anbindung an Rechtsnormen in Form schriftlicher Kommunikation entsteht, steht im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Neben ökonomischen Faktoren sowie Aspekten der sozialen Einbettung werden hierbei insbesondere Tatbestände der Problemwahrnehmung dis…
Annoyance due to residential road traffic and aircraft noise: Empirical evidence from two European cities
Based on a study in two European cities, Mainz in Germany and Zurich in Switzerland, the article investigates both acoustical and non-acoustical factors affecting indoor annoyance due to residential road traffic and aircraft noise. We specifically focus on three factors: (1) the role of windows as a feature of the building where people live; (2) the role of individual environmental concern as a general attitude; and (3) the role of household income as an indicator of socioeconomic resources. Empirical results show that closed windows in general and closed high-quality windows in particular are an important barrier against outdoor road traffic and aircraft noise, as well as a helpful subject…