E. Gallego
Friedel Oscillations in Relativistic Nuclear Matter
We calculate the low-momentum N-N effective potential obtained in the OBE approximation, inside a nuclear plasma at finite temperature, as described by the relativistic $ \sigma $-$ \omega $ model. We analyze the screening effects on the attractive part of the potential in the intermediate range as density or temperature increase. In the long range the potential shows Friedel-like oscillations instead of the usual exponential damping. These oscillations arise from the sharp edge of the Fermi surface and should be encountered in any realistic model of nuclear matter.
Nucleon-nucleon effective potential in dense matter including rho-meson exchange
We obtain the RPA summed one-meson exchange potential between nucleons in symmetric nuclear matter at zero temperature, from a model which includes $\rho $, $\sigma $, $\omega $ and $\pi $ mesons. The behavior of rho mesons inside the medium is first discussed using different schemes to extract a finite contribution from the vacuum polarization. These schemes give qualitatively different results for the in-medium rho mass. The results are discussed in connection with the non-renormalizability of the model. We next study the modified potential as density increases. In the intermediate distance range, it is qualitatively modified by matter and vacuum effects. In the long-distance range ($r>2$…