S. Dolcimascolo
Metabolically healthy polycystic ovary syndrome (MH-PCOS) and metabolically unhealthy polycystic ovary syndrome (MU-PCOS): a comparative analysis of four simple methods useful for metabolic assessment.
Study question Is it possible to distinguish metabolically healthy polycystic ovary syndrome (MH-PCOS) from metabolically unhealthy PCOS (MU-PCOS) by simple diagnostic tools such as body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio (WHR), at-risk category suggested by Androgen Excess Society (AES) and visceral adiposity index (VAI)? Summary answer VAI could be an easy and useful tool in clinical practice and in population studies for assessment of MU-PCOS. What is known already VAI is a good indicator of insulin sensitivity and cardiometabolic risk in oligo-ovulatory women with PCOS. Study design, size, duration We conducted a cross-sectional study of 232 women with PCOS in a university hospital setti…
Colorectal Cancer in Patients with Type 2 Diebetes Mellitus: Retrospective Analysis of 741 Cases
ABSTRACT Background Understanding the risk factors of colorectal cancer (CRC) is crucial to the development of effective strategies for its prevention. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with increased CRC risk and epidemiological studies identified a correlation between these diseases. Aim: To evaluate prevalence of CRC in a cohort of Caucasian patients with type 2 DM and the association with other variables previously known to be related with increased CRC. Methods We retrospectively evaluated 741 DM 2 patients followed in our institution of southern Italy between 2000-2008 for the incidence of CRC. Patients were stratified based on gender, age, body mass index (BMI), alcohol and…
Colorectal cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a single-center experience
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of the study is to evaluate the prevalence of CRC in a cohort of Caucasian patients with T2DM and the association with other variables previously known to be related with increased risk of CRC. We retrospectively evaluated the data of 741 consecutive Caucasian patients with T2DM who underwent colonoscopic screening in our tertiary referral center. A control cohort of 333 patients with thyroid disease was selected to evaluate the difference in the incidence of CRC. At a median follow-up of 132.5 months (range 33.3-175.7), 67 cases of cancer (prevalence 9%) occurred; among these, 14 cases …