Leah Price
Gating Harmonization Guidelines for Intracellular Cytokine Staining Validated in Second International Multiconsortia Proficiency Panel Conducted by Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium ( CIC / CRI )
Results from the first gating proficiency panel of intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) highlighted the value of using a consensus gating approach to reduce the variability across laboratories in reported %CD8+ or %CD4+ cytokine-positive cells. Based on the data analysis from the first proficiency panel, harmonization guidelines for a consensus gating protocol were proposed. To validate the recommendations from the first panel and to examine factors that were not included in the first panel, a second ICS gating proficiency panel was organized. All participants analyzed the same set of Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) files using their own gating protocol. An optional learning module was provi…
Response Determination Criteria for ELISPOT: Toward a Standard that Can Be Applied Across Laboratories
ELISPOT assay readout is often dichomized as positive or negative responses according to prespecified criteria. However, these criteria can vary widely across institutions. The adoption of a common response criterion is a key step toward cross-laboratory comparability. This chapter describes the two main approaches to response determination, identifying the strengths and limitations of each. Nonparametric statistical tests and consideration of data quality are recommended and instructions provided for their ready implementation by nonstatisticians and statisticians alike.