Mario Osvin Pavčević
Some new Hadamard designs with 79 points admitting automorphisms of order 13 and 19
Abstract We have proved that there exists at least 2091 mutually nonisomorphic symmetric (79,39,19)-designs. In particular, 1896 of them admit an action of the nonabelian group of order 57, and an additional 194 an action of the nonabelian group of order 39.
Symmetric (79, 27, 9)-designs Admitting a Faithful Action of a Frobenius Group of Order 39
AbstractIn this paper we present the classification of symmetric designs with parameters (79, 27, 9) on which a non-abelian group of order 39 acts faithfully. In particular, we show that such a group acts semi-standardly with 7 orbits. Using the method of tactical decompositions, we are able to construct exactly 1320 non-isomorphic designs. The orders of the full automorphism groups of these designs all divide 8 · 3 · 13.
A Series of Hadamard Designs with Large Automorphism Groups
Abstract Whilst studying a certain symmetric (99, 49, 24)-design acted upon by a Frobenius group of order 21, it became clear that the design would be a member of an infinite series of symmetric (2q2 + 1, q2, (q2 − 1)/2)-designs for odd prime powers q. In this note, we present the definition of the series and give some information about the automorphism groups of its members.