Visualization in the integrated SimPhoNy multiscale simulation framework
Abstract We describe three distinct approaches to visualization for multiscale materials modelling research. These have been developed with the framework of the SimPhoNy FP7 EU-project, and complement each other in their requirements and possibilities. All have been integrated via wrappers to one or more of the simulation approaches within the SimPhoNy project. In this manuscript we describe and contrast their features. Together they cover visualization needs from electronic to macroscopic scales and are suited to simulations made on personal computers, workstations or advanced High Performance parallel computers. Examples as well as recommendations for future calculations are presented.
High-Temperature Series Analysis of the Free Energy and Susceptibility of the 2D Random-Bond Ising Model
We derive high-temperature series expansions for the free energy and susceptibility of the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model with a symmetric bimodal distribution of two positive coupling strengths J_1 and J_2 and study the influence of the quenched, random bond-disorder on the critical behavior of the model. By analysing the series expansions over a wide range of coupling ratios J_2/J_1, covering the crossover from weak to strong disorder, we obtain for the susceptibility with two different methods compelling evidence for a singularity of the form $\chi \sim t^{-7/4} |\ln t|^{7/8}$, as predicted theoretically by Shalaev, Shankar, and Ludwig. For the specific heat our results are less…