Maria Grazia Graziano

Responses of marine benthic microalgae to elevated CO2

Increasing anthropogenic CO emissions to the atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO concentrations in the ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of increasing CO levels on the colonisation of artificial substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were examined across a CO gradient off the volcanic island of Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO concentrations increased. CO enrichment caused significant increa…

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Effetti di differenti tipologie di impatto antropico sui reef a vermeti.

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Human recreational activities in Mediterranean marine protected areas: lessons learnt in the Ustica Island MPA.

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Valutazione dell’impatto di un piccolo porto sui popolamenti bentonici di substrato duro.

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A review of the assessment of the effects of protection in MPAs: current knowledge and gaps

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Valutazione dell’efficacia della protezione sui popolamenti bentonici di substrato duro nell’AMP Isola di Ustica.

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Temporal variation of benthic assemblages in a Mediterranean MPA.

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Valutazione della componente bentonica di ipostrato in tre aree marine protette del Tirreno meridionale

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Valutazione del comportamento dei subacquei in immersione nell’AMP ‘Isola di Ustica’.

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Preliminary evaluation of a small marina impact on a sublittoral benthic assemblage.

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