Yugui Yao

Giant Anomalous Nernst Effect in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Mn-based Antiperovskite Nitrides

The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) - the generation of a transverse electric voltage by a longitudinal heat current in conducting ferromagnets or antiferromagnets - is an appealing approach for thermoelectric power generation in spin caloritronics. The ANE in antiferromagnets is particularly convenient for the fabrication of highly efficient and densely integrated thermopiles as lateral configurations of thermoelectric modules increase the coverage of heat source without suffering from the stray fields that are intrinsic to ferromagnets. In this work, using first-principles calculations together with a group theory analysis, we systematically investigate the spin order-dependent ANE in nonco…

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Spin-order dependent anomalous Hall effect and magneto-optical effect in the noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn3XN with X=Ga , Zn, Ag, or Ni

The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and the magneto-optical effect (MOE) are two prominent manifestations of time-reversal symmetry breaking in magnetic materials. Noncollinear antiferromagnets (AFMs) have recently attracted a lot of attention owing to the potential emergence of exotic spin orders on geometrically frustrated lattices, which can be characterized by corresponding spin chiralities. By performing first-principles density functional calculations together with group-theory analysis and tight-binding modeling, here we systematically study the spin-order dependent AHE and MOE in representative noncollinear AFMs ${\mathrm{Mn}}_{3}X\mathrm{N}\phantom{\rule{4pt}{0ex}}(X=\mathrm{Ga}$, Zn, …

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Topological magneto-optical effects and their quantization in noncoplanar antiferromagnets

Reflecting the fundamental interactions of polarized light with magnetic matter, magneto-optical effects are well known since more than a century. The emergence of these phenomena is commonly attributed to the interplay between exchange splitting and spin-orbit coupling in the electronic structure of magnets. Using theoretical arguments, we demonstrate that topological magneto-optical effects can arise in noncoplanar antiferromagnets due to the finite scalar spin chirality, without any reference to exchange splitting or spin-orbit coupling. We propose spectral integrals of certain magneto-optical quantities that uncover the unique topological nature of the discovered effect. We also find th…

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Spin-order dependent anomalous Hall effect and magneto-optical effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets Mn$_{3}X$N ($X$ = Ga, Zn, Ag, and Ni)

Noncollinear antiferromagnets (AFMs) have recently attracted a lot of attention owing to the potential emergence of exotic spin orders on geometrically frustrated lattices, which can be characterized by corresponding spin chiralities. By performing first-principles density functional calculations together with group-theory analysis and tight-binding modelling, here we systematically study the spin-order dependent anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and magneto-optical effect (MOE) in representative noncollinear AFMs Mn$_{3}X$N ($X$ = Ga, Zn, Ag, and Ni). The symmetry-related tensor shape of the intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity (IAHC) for different spin orders is determined by analyzing the rel…

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