A New Methodology to Assess Territorial Competence for Sustainable Local Development: The READI® (Resources-Actors-Dynamics) Matrix
[EN] The ability of a territory to manage certain sustainable development processes increasingly depends on its capacity to apply previous diagnostic processes to its current situation. For this reason, methodologies that facilitate the detection of needs and/or potentialities of the territory are key to meeting its anticipated sustainable development goals. We present the most notable results of the research methodology carried out in the province of Valencia (Spain) that has enabled the construction of a matrix of indicators that allow these previous diagnostic processes to be put into practice at a local level, based on the participation of the territory's socioeconomic actors.
Las voces del interior rural valenciano: recursos naturales y resistencias al desarrollo
[EN] This paper shows the results of two territorial diagnoses for employment and local development carried out in two rural regions of the province of Valencia. These diagnostics showed that these territories have abundant natural resources, but that lack of competent actors to dynamize them properly; either because they lack the means to do so (access to sources of financing, transport or basic infrastructure), or because they are not trained for it (aging population with lack of training), or because they do not have enough initiative (installed in a comfort zone).
Transition towards a tourist innovation model: The smart tourism destination
Implantation of the smart city model in intermediate tourist towns on their transition to becoming smart destinations involves an inescapable commitment to their habitat and improving the quality of civic life and the economy of cities through more sustainable and technologically advanced elements. Based on this work, the aim is to achieve an overview of the current smart cities paradigm from the standpoint of territorial interest groups, by analysing a tourist town on the Mediterranean coast (Gandia, Valencia) to diagnose its current status. The ultimate aim is to answer the question of whether these intermediate tourist cities are in a position to align themselves with the necessary requi…
La Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) en el sector empresarial. Interviniendo desde lo local
El artículo muestra el potencial de aplicación de las metodologías participativas de investigación y planeación social para una gestión participativa del conocimiento y el desarrollo de estrategias de intervención en el territorio. En este contexto se muestra una investigación realizada en base a metodologías de investigación acción-participación implementadas en una iniciativa empresarial de una localidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. Así, el carácter influyente y la capacidad de integrar saberes, conocimientos y aprendizajes de los diversos actores sociales e institucionales favorecen la promoción y el desarrollo de estrategias capaces de dar respuesta a las distintas problemáticas existent…