Andrea Puccio
A new approach to increase the integration of RES in a mediterranean island by using HTLS conductors
Today, in many countries, it is very difficult to build new power lines, especially because of right of way authorization problems. Furthermore, the production of electricity from renewable sources is growing more and more. For these reasons Terna S.p.A. (Italian TSO) has to take advantage of existing overhead transmission lines. In order to increase the transmission capacity and the exportation of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) from Sicily to the mainland, the existing high-voltage power grid in Sicily has been studied and analysed by Neplan®, which is a powerful software tool able to analyze, plan, optimize and simulate electrical power grids. This paper, after a description of existing p…
Methodologies for the Exploitation of Existing Energy Corridors. GIS Analysis and DTR Applications
The exploitation of power lines currently in operation has now become a common practice among electric system operators. The construction of new power lines requires taking economic, political and social problems into consideration. This paper considers two methodologies adopted by the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO), Terna S.p.A.: Dynamic Thermal Rating (DTR) and Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging-Geographic Information System (L-GIS). DTR systems dynamically calculate the real transport capacity of a power line. The L-GIS system allows, after the geo-referencing of the power line, the management of any interference between the line and the nearby obstacles, permitting the opti…
La sempre maggior produzione di energia elettrica da FRNP in Sicilia, ed i nuovi sviluppi da qui a qualche anno sulla rete elettrica siciliana, stimolano ad effettuare degli studi su come il sistema elettrico dell’isola possa evolversi nei prossimi anni. Anche i nuovi collegamenti e le nuove interconnessioni, attualmente solo in fase di scheduling/progettazione, che si apprestano ad essere realizzati nell’area mediterranea, incoraggiano ad effettuare delle analisi su come il sistema elettrico isolano possa farsi trovare pronto a supportare le grosse iniezioni di potenza che in futuro investiranno la regione. Questo lavoro di tesi dopo aver analizzato lo stato della rete AT siciliana, sia ne…
On the roadmap to supergrid in Sicily: LiDAR technology and HTLS conductors for uprating the 150 kV lines
Difficulties in building new power lines in Italy because of authorization problems, and the production of electricity from renewable sources growing more and more, induces Terna S.p.A. (Italian TSO) to take advantage of existing overhead transmission lines. In order to increase the transmission capacity, Terna has used a software in GIS (Geographic Information System) environment which allows for the management of the interferences according to all the legislative bonds by referring to the LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) remote sensing technology. This paper, after a description of the GIS and the LiDAR technology, shows how the calculation of the current capacity of some High …
Attenuation of low frequency magnetic fields produced by HV underground power cables
High-voltage underground cable systems are becoming more common as the demand for electrical power within urban centers increase, also considering the difficulties in building new overhead power lines in the vicinity of city centers because of authorization issues. Therefore, interest towards the evaluation of magnetic fields produced by high-voltage power lines has been triggered during the last decade and concern about effects on human health of exposure to extra low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields due to power lines has been increasing as well. Hence, the evaluation of the magnetic field produced by underground power cables is important in order to develop methods for mitigating their in…
2015–2020. Sicily and Italy as electricity hub in the mediterranean area for the development of the European power grids interconnections
Falling demand and explosion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are redesigning the criteria for planning the power grids interconnections by ENTSO-E. In particular, the interconnections between networks of different countries have been acquiring importance more and more, in view of an unique European market for electricity and an increase of RES. Italy and Sicily, placed in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, play a fundamental role as a bridge between Central Europe, North Africa area and Mediterranean islands (electricity hub). This paper aims to show how power system exchanges tend to follow the direction from South to North, and how the impact of North-African power — mainly generated …
Mitigation of 50 Hz magnetic field produced by an overhead transmission line
Power transmission utilities are challenged by the need to expand transmission system capacity to meet growing energy demands. The impact of high voltage overhead transmission lines on the environment represents a hot topic in the context of transport and distribution of electrical energy. In particular, interest towards the effects of extra low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields generated by high-voltage power transmission lines has been increasing significantly during the last decade, giving rise to a number of policy initiatives and research activities. Therefore, the evaluation of the magnetic field generated by conductors of overhead lines is of primary importance in order to develop meth…
GIS systems and LIDAR technology for the operation of HV lines. Sicilian transmission network applications
The difficulties to build new power lines within the national territory cause of authorization problems, and the evermore growing production of electricity from renewable sources, induces Terna S.p.A. (Italian TSO) to take advantage of existing overhead transmission lines. Therefore, in order to increase the transmission capacity, and to optimize the maintenance and management of power lines, for some years Terna has been using a software in GIS environment (Geographic Information System) that referring to the LIDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) remote sensing technology, allows to manage the interferences according to all the requirements and legislative bonds and to fulfill the im…
I Sistemi GIS e la tecnologia LIDAR nella gestione degli elettrodotti AT. Applicazioni nella rete elettrica siciliana.
L’articolo, dopo la descrizione dei sistemi GIS e della tecnologia LIDAR, riporta il calcolo della portata in corrente di alcuni elettrodotti AT all’interno del territorio siciliano, al fine di sfruttare al meglio le linee esistenti e di verificare i franchi elettrici imposti dal DM n. 449 del 1988
2015-2020. Sicily and Italy as Electricity Hub in the Mediterranean Area for the Development of the European Power Grids Interconnections
Falling demand and explosion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are redesigning the criteria for planning the power grids interconnections by ENTSO-E. In particular, the interconnections between networks of different countries have been acquiring importance more and more, in view of an unique European market for electricity and an increase of RES. Italy and Sicily, placed in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, play a fundamental role as a bridge between Central Europe, North Africa area and Mediterranean islands (electricity hub). This paper aims to show how power system exchanges tend to follow the direction from South to North, and how the impact of North-African power – mainly generated …