Chiara Petrioli
FLUMO: FLexible Underwater MOdem
The last years have seen a growing interest in underwater acoustic communications because of its applications in marine research, oceanography, marine commercial operations, the offshore oil industry and defense. High-speed communication in the underwater acoustic channel has been challenging because of limited bandwidth, extended multipath, refractive properties of the medium, severe fading, rapid time variation and large Doppler shifts. In this paper, we show an implementation of a flexible Software-Defined Acoustic (SDA) underwater modem, where modulation parameters are completely tunable to optimize performance. In particular, we develop the system architecture following two key ideas. …
PCP: An End-to end Measurement Based Call Admission Control for Real-Time Services Over IP Networks
Distributed end-to-end measurement based connection admission control mechanisms have been recently proposed. The goal of these schemes is to provide tight QoScon trol on a per connection basis by means of measurements taken by the edge nodes and priority based forwarding procedure at internal nodes. Since the additional flows handling procedures are implemented at the border routers and the forwarding mechanisms are for flows aggregates only, the approach is fully scalable and compatible with the IETF Differentiated Service proposal. The aim of this paper is to propose specific schemes and to investigate the advantages and limits of the approach by analyzing the basic mechanisms and evalua…
Endpoint Admission Control with Delay Variation Measurements for QoS in IP Networks.
In this paper we describe a novel Endpoint Admission Control scheme (EAC) for IP telephony. EAC mechanisms are driven by independent measurements taken by the edge nodes on a flow of packets injected in the network to probe the source to destination path. Our scheme is characterized by two fundamental features. First, it does not rely on any additional procedure in internal network routers other than the capability to apply different service priorities to probing and data packets. Second, the connection admission decision is based on the analysis of the probing flow delay variation statistics. Simulation results, which focus on a IP telephony scenario, show that, despite the lack of core ro…
A Channel-Aware Adaptive Modem for Underwater Acoustic Communications
Acoustic underwater channels are very challenging, because of limited bandwidth, long propagation delays, extended multipath, severe attenuation, rapid time variation and large Doppler shifts. A plethora of underwater communication techniques have been developed for dealing with such a complexity, mostly tailoring specific applications scenarios which can not be considered as one-size-fits-all solutions. Indeed, the design of environment-specific solutions is especially critical for modulations with high spectral efficiency, which are very sensitive to channel characteristics. In this paper, we design and implement a software-defined modem able to dynamically estimate the acoustic channel c…
Performance Analysis of Sweep-Spread Carrier (S2C) Modulation for Underwater Communications
In the last decades, underwater acoustic communications have seen a growing development with a variety of research as well as commercial applications, dealing with channel distortions, multipath and Doppler effects typical underwater channels. A very robust modulation able to guarantee connectivity in harsh environments (where spectral efficient solutions such as OFDM can be prevented) is the so called sweep-spread carrier (S2C) modulation, which is based on the usage of a linearly time-varying carrier. Underwater modems based on S2C modulations have been patented and successfully adopted in real-world deployments. In this paper, we analyze the performance of S2C both in simulation and infi…
Packet management techniques for measurement based end-to-end admission control in IP networks
End-to-end Measurement Based connection Admission Control (EMBAC) mechanisms have been proposed to support real-time flows quality of service requirements over a Differentiated Services Internet architecture. The EMBAC basic idea is to decentralize the admission control decision, by requiring each individual user to probe the network path during flow setup, and by basing the accept/reject decision on the probing traffic statistics measured at the destination. In conformance with the differentiated services framework, routers are oblivious to individual flows and only need to serve data packets with a higher priority than probing traffic. In this paper, we build upon the observation that som…
PCP-DV: An End-to end Admission Control Mechanism for IP Telephony
In this paper we describe a novel endpoint admission control mechanism for IP telephony:the PCP-DV which is characterized by two fundamental features. First, it does not rely on any additional procedure in internal network routers other than the capability to apply different service priority to probing and data packets. Second, the triggering mechanism for the connection admission decision is based on the analysis of the delay variation statistics over the probing flow. Numerical results for an IP telephony traffic scenario prove that 99th delay percentiles not greater than few ms per router are guaranteed even in overload conditions.
Doppler Estimation and Correction for JANUS Underwater Communications
In recent years, underwater communications have seen a growing interest pushed by marine research, oceanography, marine commercial operations, offshore oil industry and defense applications. Generally, underwater communications employ audio signals which can propagate relatively far but are also significantly affected by Doppler distortions. In fact, physical properties of the water and spatial changes due to tides, currents and waves can cause channel variations or unwanted movements of the transmitter or receiver. This study shows how to compensate for the Doppler effect in transmission employing the JANUS standard, a popular modulation scheme for underwater communication. Differently for…