Florian Butsch
Early diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma.
Bilateral indolent epidermotropic CD8-positive lymphoid proliferations of the ear
Die prognostische Bedeutung des Hutchinson-Zeichens für eine okuläre Beteiliung bei Herpes zoster ophtalmicus
Two cases of successful treatment of multilesional cutaneous leishmaniasis with liposomal amphotericin B
Pembrolizumab-induzierter Lichen planus pemphigoides bei einem Patienten mit metastasiertem Melanom
Erfolgreiche Behandlung von zwei Patienten mit multiläsionaler kutaner Leishmaniasis mit liposomalem Amphotericin
Frühzeitige Diagnose des intravaskulären großzelligen B‐Zell‐Lymphoms
Pembrolizumab-induced lichen planus pemphigoides in a patient with metastatic melanoma
Beidseitige indolente epidermotrope CD8-positive lymphoide Proliferation der Ohrhelix
Topical treatment with a two-component gel releasing nitric oxide cures C57BL/6 mice from cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major.
Treatment-Induced Aggravation of Vasculitis in Hairy-Cell Leukemia
Vaccination with TAT-Antigen Fusion Protein Induces Protective, CD8+ T Cell-Mediated Immunity Against Leishmania Major
In murine leishmaniasis, healing is mediated by IFN-γ-producing CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. Thus, an efficacious vaccine should induce Th1 and Tc1 cells. Dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with exogenous proteins primarily induce strong CD4-dependent immunity; induction of CD8 responses has proven to be difficult. We evaluated the immunogenicity of fusion proteins comprising the protein transduction domain of HIV-1 TAT and the Leishmania antigen LACK ( Leishmania homolog of receptors for activated C kinase), as TAT-fusion proteins facilitate major histocompatibility complex class I-dependent antigen presentation. In vitro , TAT–LACK-pulsed DCs induced stronger proliferation of Leishmania -specific C…