Recurrence rate of oral squamous cell papilloma after excision with surgical scalpel or laser therapy : a retrospective cohort study
Background The aim was to describe the recurrence rates of Oral Squamous Cell Papilloma (OSCP) following surgical treatment with surgical scalpel and two different lasers (CO2 or Er,Cr;YSGG) and to determine the clinical and histopathologic features of these lesions. Material and Methods A retrospective cohort study covering a period of 12 years (1997-2009) that included patients diagnosed of OSCP treated with surgical excision was performed. Data was processed using SPSS 22.0 (SPPS Inc. Chicago, USA) and a descriptive and bivariate analysis were conducted. Results A total of 37 histopathologically confirmed OSCP in 36 patients, 19 women (52.7%) and 17 men (47.2%) with an average age of 33.…