The cross-cultural and transdiagnostic nature of unwanted mental intrusions
Unwanted mental intrusions (UMIs), typically discussed in relation to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), are highly prevalent, regardless of the specific nationality, religion, and/or cultural context. Studies have also shown that UMIs related to Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), Illness anxiety/Hypochondriasis (IA-H), and Eating Disorders (EDs) are commonly experienced. However, the influence of culture on these UMIs and their transdiagnostic nature has not been investigated.Participants were 1,473 non-clinical individuals from seven countries in Europe, the Middle-East, and South America. All the subjects completed the Questionnaire of Unpleasant Intrusive Thoughts, which assesses the occ…
Consequências mal adaptativas de invasões mentais com conteúdos relacionados a transtornos obsessivos, dismórficos, hipocondríacos e alimentares: diferenças transculturais
Unwanted mental intrusions (UMIs) with contents related to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD), and Eating Disorders (EDs) are highly prevalent, independently of the cultural and/or social context. Cognitive-behavioral explanations for these disorders postulates that the escalation from common UMIs to clinically relevant symptoms depends on the maladaptive consequences (i.e., emotions, appraisals, and control strategies) of experiencing UMIs. This study examines, from a cross-cultural perspective, the cognitive-behavioral postulates of the maladaptive consequences of having UMIs.Non-clinical 1,473 participants from Europe, the …
Percezione dello stress da pendolarismo negli studenti universitari: uno studio osservativo
The commuter’s routine is characterised by a series of discomforts and inconveniences, which in the long term can have a negative impact on health and the quality of life. To-date, particular attention has been devoted to the objective stressors associated with commuting (distance travelled, journey time); nevertheless, the crucial role played by subjective stressors, which depend on how the commuter perceives his/her condition, is undeniable. This paper aims to describe the features of commuting in the population of University students by considering both objective and subjective stressor factors. An ad-hoc questionnaire was compiled online by 2.643 commuting students registered at the Uni…
To achieve a sense of rightness: The joint role of Not Just Right Experiences and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Abstract Background/Objective Not Just Right Experiences (NJREs) are currently considered as one of the motivators of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but the ways through which NJREs affect OCD symptoms remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to examine the putative mediational role of Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) in the association between NJRE severity and OCD symptoms in patients with OCD. Method Sixty-two patients with OCD completed self-report measures of NJREs, OCD symptoms, and IU. Results IU mediated the relationship between NJRE severity and OCD symptoms. Furthermore, NJRE severity emerged as moderator of the path, suggesting that the mediational role of IU is str…