Paolo Cristoforoni
Operative Hysteroscopy Ten Years' Experience
Overview of the benefitsand potential issues of the nonavalent HPV vaccine
HPV-related diseases affect anogenital and oropharyngeal regions, heavily affecting the psychosexual dimension of both male and female individuals. HPV vaccination programs based on a bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine have opened broad perspectives for primary prevention. A nonavalent HPV vaccine (9vHPV), covering nine genotypes (HPV6, HPV11, HPV16, HPV18, HPV31, HPV33, HPV45, HPV52, and HPV58), might provide further improvement in terms of direct protection. In the present report, efficacy and safety data from 9vHPV vaccine development programs are examined. Efficacy data come from a pivotal trial, which was conducted among women aged 16–26 years randomly assigned to receive either the 9vHP…
Vaccinare per HPV: non solo le adolescenti e non solo profilassi. Review e position paper dell'Italian HPV Study Group (IHSG)
HPV vaccination has been introduced in clinical practice in recent years and represents the most effective strategy of primary prevention of cervical carcinoma and of female genital preneoplastic conditions. One of the major issues of the subject is represented by vaccination coverage of the target population. Since its introduction, HPV vaccine efficacy has been progressively demonstrated also towards extragenital HPV-correlated conditions and in males too. Moreover, even subjects of older age groups or subjects who already had HPV infections have been demonstrated to received benefits from vaccination, due to improvements of their immunological response. Recently, vaccine efficacy has als…