Heidi Korpipää
Prematurity and overlap between reading and arithmetic: The cognitive mechanisms behind the association
It is well-known that very preterm children perform at lower levels than full-term children in reading and arithmetic at school. Whether the lower performance levels of preterm children in these two separate domains have the same or different origins, however, is not clear. The present study examined the extent to which prematurity is associated with the overlap (i.e., common variance) of reading and arithmetic among Finnish school beginners. We also examined the extent to which the association of prematurity with the overlap between reading and arithmetic is due to different prereading skills, basic number skills, and general cognitive abilities. The participants (age 6-7) consisted of 193…
Early Cognitive Profiles Predicting Reading and Arithmetic Skills in Grades 1 and 7
The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive profiles composed of skills predicting the overlap between reading and arithmetic in kindergarten (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, rapid automatized naming, and counting sequence knowledge) and the relation of these profiles to reading and arithmetic skills at Grades 1 and 7. A total of four distinct cognitive profiles were identified in an unselected sample of 1,710 children aged 5–6 years: (1) high linguistic and high counting skills (39.2%), (2) low linguistic and low counting skills (25.4%), (3) high counting skills in relation to linguistic skills (15.3%), and (4) low counting skills in relation to linguistic skills (20.1%). …
Covariation between reading and arithmetic skills from grade 1 to grade 7
This study examined the extent to which reading and arithmetic skills show covariation at Grade 1 and at Grade 7, to what extent this covariation is time-invariant or time-specific, and to what extent different antecedents will predict these time-invariant and time-specific portions of the covariation. The reading and arithmetic skills of a total of 1335 Finnish children were assessed at the end of Grade 1 and then again at the end of Grade 7. Phonological awareness, letter knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), counting, and parental education levels were measured in kindergarten; working memory at Grade 1 and nonverbal reasoning at Grade 3. The results showed that reading and arithmet…
Minäuskomukset ja matematiikan oppiminen : Matematiikan Maailmaan -hankkeen kokemuksia
Matematiikan taitojen kehitystä ohjaavat taitojen oppimiseen liittyvien alkuvalmiuksien ohella erilaiset emotionaaliset tekijät, kuten oppilaan uskomukset itsestään matematiikan osaajana. Nämä uskomukset alkavat muodostua jo varhain suunnaten matematiikan oppimiseen liittyvää kiinnostusta ja vaikuttaen työskentelyyn oppimistilanteissa. Matematiikkaan liittyvien minäuskomusten muodostumiseen esi- ja alkuopetusiässä on kuitenkin tähän saakka kiinnitetty vähän huomiota. Jyväskylän yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Matematiikan Maailmaan (MaMa) -kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli Opettajankoulutusfoorumin opettajankoulutuksen kehittämisohjelman periaatteiden mukaisesti vahvistaa opettajanko…